Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

96 TheState of thefirff Churches, &c. thameful which k reported ofyou , that thee waft firm and antient Church of the Corinthians, thould for thefake of one or two perfons , feditioojly tumultuate againjl their El- ders. And herein he proceeds to declare the dreadful fcandal that enfued thereon,both amongBelievers and In- fidels. The Inftru&ion alio which he adds hereunto , is worthy the remembrance of all Church Members , qnS-os , saw ct%vafras yvwQty éier7rAv , 77 ?LC Ió9 ("y>. £v d'txcua T.ó v, ri -ry áyvós év ;pyots' -o-ézw l-CN,ov rrowravopf / 4 AR, Ogre Axc ¡,tá)Nov rcÉ wv í. It is bleffed Advice for all Church - Members that he gives 5 Let a man be fáithful,let him bepowerful inknowledge or the Declaration of it g let him be aril?, to judge the Words or DoF,lrines'5 let him be chaff or pure inhis works; thegreater he feems to be , the more humble he ought tobe : that fo the Church may have no trouble by him nor hir Gifts. But to return. 5. Having _occafion to mention the Officers of the Church , he nameth only the two ranks of Bebop and Deacons, as the Apoftle altodoth , Phil. I. I. Pag' S4' & 5' 'peaking of the Apoftles, he lays, Kartú4pas sÿ "rí to púo ovT£s,, list isavov ercs áotapyás cu'T&v, Axim..4azev- ?£s 7 7ry6V!d.a'rt, c s o71r07tÒwrvs XJ b`tai6vus fARM.ÓPTr&y '7T7T'a e v. Preaching the word through Regions and Cities , they ap- pointed the fir( fruits (as the Houle of stephanas was the firft fruits of Achaia, who therefore addiered themfelves to the Miniftry of the Saints , i Cor. i6. z 5.) or thefrrfl Converts to the Faith, after aSpiritual Trialof them , (as unto their fitnefsfor theirwork) to be Bifbops and Deacons of them thatflrould afterwards believe. Where there were as yet but a fewconverted, the Apoftle gathered them in- to Church-order 5 and fo foon as they found any fit a- mong them , appointed and ordained them to be Bifl.wps and Deacons , fo that provifion might be made for the guidance and conductof them that fhould be converted and