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8 The Prefacc% in the Church but in theName and Authority ofChrift, by the Warranty of his Commands, with a confiant Exercifè ofall Gifts and Graces ofthe Holy Spirit which they have received., in thefe and all other Duties of their Office, and that without the leaft Appearance of Domination, or the procuring of Dignity, Secular Hon- ours, and Revenues thereby, it may be, a [hare and sIntereft in it, would not be fo earnefily coveted and fought after, as at prefent it is. Nor is there any more pertinency inhis enfuing Cappofal, of a change in the Go- vernment of the Congregational Churches in London, ingt- ting up one Man to rule over them all and to appoint their jevcralTeachers,&c. p. 227. which could not be done with- out noifis. It is in vain to fear it, Non o szkimus quo to vere, eNlodo. and impertinent in this cafe to fitppofe it. For it fpeaks ofa fircidain total Alteration in the State, Order andRule ofChurches to be made at once, whereas our Difcourfe is ofthat which wasgradual in manyAges by Degreesal- moff imperceptible. But yet I can give no fecurity that the Churches ofour way, fhall not in procefs oftime, de- cline from their Primitive Conflitutionand Order,either in their Power and Spirit, in Faith and Love, or in the outward Prafice ofthem, unlefs they continually watch againfi all Beginnings and Occafions offuch Declenfions, and frequently renew their Reformation ; or if it be o- therwife, they will have better fuccefs then any Church- es in the World ever yet had, even thofe that were of the planting ofthe Apoffles themfelves, as is manifefted in the Judgment that our Lords Jefus Chrift paffed on them,