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The `preface. r 9 them, Rev. 2. and 3. The Negligence of the People which iffued in their unrtnefs to be difpofed of and ru- led according to the Principles ofthe firft Conflitution of Church Order, maybe confidered either as it gave oc- cafion unto thofe leffir Deviations from the Rule, which did not much prejudice the Faith and Order of the Churches, or as it occafioned greater .flterations in the enfùing Ages. And ( I. ) The great, and perhaps in fome things, ex- ceffive Veneration which they had of their Tifhops or Pallor!, did probably occafion in them force negle6t of their own Duty. For they were eafily induced hereon, not only implicitely to leave the Mannagement of all Church Affairs unto them, but an Zealoufly to comply with their Miflakes. The. Church, of Smyrna giving an Account of the Martyrdom of holy Polycarpus, tells us, that when he afcended the Pile wherein he was to be burned,that he pulled offhis own cloths, and endeavoured to pull offhisAooes, which he had not done before, becaufe the Faitl. fl JIrove among themfelves who fhould fooneji touch his `Body ; Eufeb. lib. 4. cap. 15. I think there can be no Veneration due to a Man, which was not fo unto that great and holy Perlon. But thofe who did fo ex- prefs it, might eafily be induced to place too much of their Religion, in an implicite compliance with them un- to whom they are fo devoted. Hence a Negligence in themfelves as unto their particular Ditties did enfue. They were quickly far from efleeming it their Duty to fay unto their Pallor or Bifbop, that he fbould take heed unto the lair,Irywhich he had received in the Lord to fa- fill it, as the Apoftle enjoyns the Coloffians to fày to Ar- chippus their áaflor ; chap. 4. 17 . but begun to think that the Glory of obfequious Obedience, was all that D 2 was