Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

36 The Preface. Chriflian Emperours ; as our Author confeffeth. This Rule is uncertain ; For no man living is able to give a jut and full account of what was the State and Rule of all the Churches in the World in the Reign of any one Emperour, much lefs during tie Succeffion of many of them, continual Alterations in the State or Order of the Church following one uponanother. Andthatin thofe days there was a prevalent Deviation from the Original Rule ofChurchOrder, bath been before declared. We dare not thereforemake them and what they did, to be our Rule abfolutely, who miffed it fo much in thechoice of their own. 6. We may add hereunto the Confideration of the horrid Darknefs which they newly were delivered from, . the clofe Adherence of fome Traditional Prejudices unto thebelt ofMen in fuch a Condition, the Difficulties and Oppofitions they met withal as unto their whole Work; their Prudence, as they judged it, in an endeavour to accommodate all things unto the Inclinations, and de- fires of the Body ofthe People, (extreamly immerfed in their OldTraditions,) which might not be deftru&ive . unto their Salvation, in Herdic or Idolatry ; all which could not but leave fame Marks oflmperfeftion on their whole WorkofReformation. Upon thefe and the like Confiderations it is, that we are enforced to affert the ufe ofour own Liberty, Light andUnderftanding, in the Enquiring after and Compli- ance with the true Original State and Order ofEvangelical Churches, with our Duty in reference thereunto, and not . to be abfolutely confined unto what was judged meet and praétifed in thefe things by the firft Reformers. And the