Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The `Preface. 37 theTruth is, ifprefeent Intere and Advantage, did not prevail with men to fix the bounds ofall Church Re- formation in what was by them attained and eftablifhed, they would think it themfelves a Papal `Bondage to be bound up abfolutely unto their Apprehenfions, from a confinement whereunto in fundry other things, they de- clare themfelves to be at an abfolute Liberty. Where- fore neither we nor ourCaufe are at all concerned in the rhetorical Difcourfe of Dr. Still. concerning the firft Reformers and their Reformation ; neither do we at all delight in refleaing on anyof the Defers of it, defiring only the Liberty avowed on Proteftant Principles, in. the Difcharge ofour own Duty. Nor Secondly ; Are we any more concerned in the long flory that enfues about the Rife and Progref of Separationfrom the Church ofEngland,with theMittakesof fome in Principles, and Mifcarriages in Pratife, who judged it their Duty to be Separate. For as in our re- fraining from total Communion with the Parochial Afm- blies of the Church ofEngland, we proceed not on the fame Principles, fo we hope that we are free from the. fame Mifcarriages with them, or any of an alikeNature. But it is alto certain, that after the great Confufion that was !Nought on the whole State and Order of the Church, under the?omanApo.acy,, many of thofe who attempted a Reformation , fell into different Opinions and Prahifes in fùndry things, which the Papiils have . made many a long ftory about. We undertake the Defenceonly ofour own Principlesand Praifesaccord- ing unto them. Nor do we efteem our (elves obliged to jutiifie or.refleEt on others. And::