Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The 'Preface. 67 People began toread and confider it, being plead tofnd fò weighty andneceffary a Point debated withfo much calmnefi andfreedom from paon ; which being difovered by the Leaders and Managersof the Party, it was loon refilved that the Sermonmuffbe crieddown,and thePeople difn'adedfrom readingofit. If anyofthemwere talked withal about it, they f runkup their f oulders and looked f ernly ; and f ook, their heads, and hardly forborefain bitter words, both of the ,Author and the Sermon : (which it feems he knows, though they did forbear to do fo ;) and much more to the fame. Purpofe. Andpag. 58. As if they had been the Papifls Inflruments to execute the fury of their wrath and difpleafiire againf me, they f moron in the Power of their Party, and reflve with their force and might to fall upon raze ; with more to the fame Purpofe. Andpag. 5 9. Al: ter a while they thought fit to draw their f rength into the Open Feild ; and thefirfl who appearedwas ; &c. I Confers I was fomewhat furprized, that coming into this Coaf, all things fhould appear fo new and (range unto me, as that I could fix on noone Mark to difcover, that I had ever been there before. For I am as utter a Stranger unto all thefe things, as unto the Counfels of the `Pope or Turk. The Dr. feems to apprehend, that at the coming forth ofhis Sermon, at leaft after itsworth and weight were obferved, there was a Confternation and Diforder among the Non-Conformi.fts, as if Hanni.. bal had been at the Gates. For hereby he fuppo. eth they were caft into thofe ugly Poftures offrin4ing and .f/areing and falling, and (welling with what they could hardly forbear to utter. But thefe things with thofe that follow, feem to Me to be Ronnantick, and fomewhat tragically expreffed, fuficiently evidencing, that other Stories told by the fame Author in this Cafe K 2 hand