Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

üCi 68 The Preface. !land in need of forne graines of Allowance, to reduce them to the Royal Standard. For whereas I am the firft Perron Inftanced in, that fhould have an hand in the .Management oftheft Contrivances, I know nothing at all ofthem, nor upon the utmof enquiry I havemade, can I hear ofany fuch things among the Parties, or the Ma- nagers ofthem, as they are called. It is true the Preach- ingand Publifhing ofthe Drs. Sermon at that time, was by many judged unfeajonable, and they were fomewhat troubled at it, moreupon the Account that it was done . by him, then that it was done. But otherwife as to the Charge ofSchiime mannaged therein againft them, they were neither furprized with it nor difcompoled at it. And fo far as I know, it was thefafn alone, and the prefent Pofture ofAffairs in the Nation, calling for an Agreement among all 'Proteliants, that occafioned any Anfwer unto it. It is therefore no fmall miftake, that we diifieaded any from readinghis Sermon,. which hath been commonly ob jetted by fome otherWriters ofthe fame way. But i£ we were Enemies unto there Worthy Perlons, we could not defire they fhould have more fall Intelligence from our Tents, then they Teem tohave. This is not our way. Thofe who are joynedwith us, areCo upon their ownfree Choice and judgment ; nor do we diffwade them from reading the Dircourfes ofany on the Subjeó ofour. Dif- ferences. The Rule holds herein, to try all things and. hold fail that which is Good. Nor do I know any thing: in the leak of Advice: or Agreements to cry down and oppofe, Confute or. Anfwer theDrs. Sermon. Nor do I believe that there were ever any fuch among thofe who are Charged with.them. And what (hall be aid unto thole Military Expreffions, of jummoning