Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The Trefzce.. 69 fnmmoning: in. the 'Power ofthe Tarty, refolved tofall on, think fit todraw theirfirength into the Feild, &c. I fay, what shall we fay to thefe things ? I amnot a little trou- bled that I am forced tohave any concernment in the Debateofthefe Differences, wherein mens fenfe oftheir Intereft, or of Provocations they have received, caft them on fuch irregular ways ofDefence and Retaliation. For all thefë things are but fruits of Imagination, that . have nothing ofTruth or Subftance to give countenance unto them. The Way whereby I became to be at all ingaged in this Cornell,. and the Pteafons whereon I undertook an harm!efs Defence of oar Innocency, as to the Charge of Schfna at this time, I (hall give a breifaccount of Some days after. the Drs. Sermon was printed and pub Tithed,. One ofthofe whom he fuppofèth we perfwaded not to read it, brought it untome, and gave it me, . with fuch a Character ofit, as I (hall not repeat. Upon, the perufal of it, (which I did on his [refire, being un- certain to this day, whither without that occafion, I. had ever read it at all)I confefs I was both furprized and troubled, and quickly found that many others were f<a alfo: For as there was then a great Hope and Expeeta- tion, that all'Protefiants would cement and Unite in one common Caufe and Intereft for the Defence and Prefer- vation of Religionagainft the Endeavours ofthe Papifts . for its Subverfion ; fo it was thought by wife men.ofall forts, that the onlyMedium. and Expedient for this. End,. was thedepofing ofthe confederation of the to her Diffe- rences among ourfelves, and burying all Animofities that had arifen from them. And I yet fuppofe my felf at leaft excufible, that I judged the Tendencyof that Dif-- coarfe, to lye utterly another way. Nor is it in my Power.