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Prömdof OA cafe withDavid, Pfal. 5r. y. /6. which makes it undeniable that there was forne other way ofAttonement bclìdes them and beyond them, as our Apoftle declares, Aels 13. v. 38, 39. Thirdly, TheScripture exprelly rejects all the Sacrifices of the Law, when they are trufted in for any Inch End and Purpofe, which fufticiently demonfirates that they were never appointed thereunto. See Pfal.40 v. 6, 7, 8. Pfeil. 50. v. 8, 9, to, t r, ra, 13. Ifa. i.v. r r, tz, 13. Chap. 66. v. 3. Amos 5. zr, 22. Micha 6. v. 6, 7, 8. and other places innumerable. Add unto what hath been fpoken, that during the Obfervation of the whole Law ofMP, while]] it was in forceby the Appointment ofGod himfelf, He frill diredled thofe who foughtfor Acceptance with him, untoa Nero Covenant ofGrace, whofe Be- nefitsby faith they were then made partakers of, and whole nature was afterwards more hilly to be declared. See 3erem. 31. v. 31, 32, 33, 34. with the inferences of our Apoftle thereon, Heb. 8. r z, /3. And this plainly everts the whole Foundation of the JewsExpeEtation ofJuflification beforeGod on the account of the Law of Mofees .given on Mount Sinai. For to what purpofe fhould God call them from telling on the Covenant thereof, to look for Mercyand Grace in and byanother,if that had beenáble to give them the helpdefired ?. In brief then, the Jewsfixing on the Law cfMoles, as the only means of delivery from fin and death, as they do thereby exclude all mankind befides themfelves from any interefiin the Love, Favour, or Grace ofGod, which they greatly defign and defirt, fo they calf themfelves alfo into a miferable reftlefs felf -condemned condition in this world, by trailing to that which will not relieve them, and into Endlefs mifery here- after, by refuting that which effeElually would make them Heirs of Salvation. For whileit they perilh intheir fin, another, better, more glorious and fure Remedy againft all the Evils that are come upon mankind, or are jultly feared to be coining by any of them, is provided in the Grace, Wifdom, and Love ofGod, as(hall now farther be demonhratcd. The hull intimation that God gave of this workof his Grace in Redeeming mankind from fn and mifery,, is contained inthe Promifè fubjoyned unto the Curie denounced againft our firf} Parents, and their Pofterity in them, Gen. 3. v. 15. The feed of the Wo- man fhall bruife the Heaaofthe Serpent, and the Serpent (hall bruife ñis Heel. Two things there are contained in thefewords, APromifè ofRelief from the miferybrought onman- kind by the Temptation ofSatan ; and an intimation of the Means or Way, whereby it Ihould be brought about. That the firf} is included in there words is evident For, Firnt, If there be not a Promife of Deliverance expreffed in thefe words, whence is it, that the execution of the fentence of Death againft fin, is fufpended ? Unlefs we will allow an Intervention fatisfadlory to the Righteoufitefs and Truth of God to be expreffed in thefe words there would have been a truth in the fuggeflionof the Serpent, namely, that whatever God had faid, yet indeed they were not to dye. TheJews in theMidra/b Tehibim, as Kimchi informs us on Pfeil. 92. whofe Title is, a Pfalm for the Sabbath Day, which they generally align unto Adam, fay that Adam was call out of theGarden ofEden,on the Eveningof thefixtb day ; after which God came to execute the Sentence ofDeath upon him ; but the Sabbath being come on, the Pu- nifhment was deferred, whereon Adammade that Pfalm for the Sabbath Day. With- out an interpofition of Come external Caufe and Reafon they acknowledge that Death ought immediately tohave been inflidled ; andother betides what is mentioned in thefe words, there was none. Secondly, The whole Evilof fin and Curie that mankind then did, or was to fuffer under, proceeded from thefriendfhip coritraEled between the Woman and theSerpent, and her fixing faith in him. God here declares that he will break that League, and put Enmity between them. Beingnow both of themunder the fame condition of fin and Curfe, this couldnot be without a.change of Condition in one ofthem. Satan is not divided from himfelf; nor is at Enmity withthem that are left wholly in his Eftate. A changeof Condition therefore on the part of the Woman and her Seed, is plainly promifed; that is, bya Deliverance from the late offin and mifery wherein they were; Without this the Enmity mentioned could sot have enfued. Thirdly, In purfuit of this Enmity the fedof the woman was to bruife the Head of the Serpent. The Head is thefeat of his Power and Craft. Without the defrudtion of the Evil and pernicious effedls which by his Counfel he had brought about, his Head cannot bebruifbd. By his Head he had contrived the Ruine of mankind ; and without 8s 4. 22< 4.23.