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EXFIRCITÄTIONS ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREVVS Alfo concerning the MESSIAH. WHEREIN The Promifes concerninghim to be aSpiritual Redeemer of Man- kind, areExplained and Vindicated. His Coming, andAccomplifltment of his Work according to the Prom ifes, is proved and confirmed. The Perlon, or who he is, is declared. Thewhole Oeconomyof the Mofaical Law, Rites, Worfhip, and Sacrifices, is explained. ANDIN ALL, The Datrine of the Perlon, Office, and Work of the Meffiah, is opened 5 The nature and demerit of the fiat fin is unfolded; The Opinions and Traditionsof the Antient and Modern Jewsare examined 3 TheirObje- étions againft the LordChrift and the Gofpel are anfwered: The time of thecomingof theMeffiah is ftated : And the great fundamental Truths of the Gofpel vindicated. With an Expofition and Difcourfes on theTwoFirft Chapters of the faid Epiftle to the HEBREWS. By. Owen D. D. LONDON, Printed, byRobert White, for Nathaniel Ponder, at the Sign ofthe Peacock in Chancery Lanenear Fleetßreet. i 6 6 8.

TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SWilliamMorriceKt, One of His Majefties Moft Honourable Privy Council, and Principal SecretaryofState, óc. e c -vad7sbsc:i5anzty11 !, HE Dedication of Books un- to Perfons of Worth and Honour hath .fecured it Pelf from the Impeachment of Cenfure, by taking SanFtua- ry in the llfage of all Times andAges. Herein therefore, as none is needed, fo I Ihall makeufe of Apology. But the confederationof force Circumftances (needlefs to be repeated) Teem to render an account of the reason of nay particular addrefs untoYou in this manner, neceffary. This therefore I fhall give, but briefly; Ne longo fermone morer tua tempora A That

theEp/leDedicatory. Thatwhichprincipally in this matter I refolvedmy thoughts intp, was a defign to anfwer my own in- clination and defire, in Teftifying a refpectful Ho- nor to a Perfon who in a place ofEminency, bath given fo fair an example of a fingular conjunction in himfelf, of Civil Prudence, and all manner of ufeful Literature, with their mutual Subferviency unto each other ; an endeavour whereof,theWif- dom of all Ages bath efteemed needful], though few individuals have attained unto it. For where- as a defect in Learning, bath tempted fome, other- wife Prudent and Wife in the Management ofAf- fairs, unto a contempt of it; and skill therein, bath given unto others a miftaken confidence, that it alone is fufficient for all the ends ofHumane Life, an Induftrious Attempt , for a furnifhment of the Mindwith a due mixture of them both, bath been greatly Neglected, to the no finali difadvantage of Humane Affairs. It cannot therefore feem {hangs, nor ought any to be offended, that one who dares profefs a great Honour unto , and Admiration of both thefe Endowments ofthe mind ofMan, fhould exprefs them with that refpect, which alone he is capable togive, untoHim, who in a Place of Emi- nent Trull and Employment, hath given a fingu- lar initance of their happy conjunction, and readi- nefs to Coalefce in the fame mind, to enable it unto a regular and Heady purfuit of their common ends. Whether I {hail by this addrefs attain that end, or no, I know not; but this is that whichprincipally I aimed at therein : And to the Reafon whereof I leave theJudgement of my undertakings. But yet I may not omit, that your favour hath alío given me

The Epqlle Dedicatory. me particular grounds for this confidence; andSuch ashave been prevalent againft thofe imprefsions of difcouragements, which I am naturally very liable toadmit of, and receive. Your CandidEfteem of fouie former Endeavours in this kind ( and which when carried without the Verge of thole Lines of Communication, within whole compafs men and their Writings are Judged by Party and fcarce otherwife, have received a fair acceptance in the world) were no final' encouragement unto me, not to defert thole wearifome Labours, which have no other Reward or End, but the furtherance of PublickGood; efpecially having this only way left me to ferve theWill of God,and the Intereft of the Church, in my Generation. It was allo through the countenance ofyour Favour, that this and force other Treatifes have receivedWarrant to pats freely into the world ; which though I am uncertain of what advantage they maybeunto any,.by reafon of their own defects, and the prejudicesof others; yet Iwant not thehigheft Security, that there is nothing in them tending to the leaft difadvantage unto thole, whofe concernment lyes in Peace and Truth in thefe Nations. For theTreatifes themfelves, which I defirehere- with to reprefent to force ofyour Leifure hours, I fhall not offend againft the PublickService, indetain-. ing you with an account of them. Their Subject Matter, asto its Weight,Worth and Mecefsity, will f eak for it Pelf; the main objects of our prefent Faith, and principal Foundationsof our future ex- pe Cations, our Pleas and Evidences for a bleffed Eternity, are here infifted on. And whether the A 7, Temptations»

fieEp1leDedicatory. Temptations, Opinions, and boldPrefumptions of many in aidedayes, do not call for a renewedcon- fìderation and confirmation of them, is left to the Judgement of Perlons indifferent , and unpreju- diced ; the manner of their handling is fubmitted unto yours , which is highly and fingularly effemed, by March 20. Y 6 67. SI Your mehumble andobliged Servant, JOHN OWEN. Clùittian

ChrllFian Reader. F than intend to engage any part of thy time in the perufal of the enfuing Difcou.rfcs andExpof- tion, it may not be amißto take along with thee the confideration offame things concerning the de- ign and aim of theirAuthor, in the Writing and prefent publifhing ofthem, which are here propofid unto thee. It is nowfundry yearsfine Ipurpofed in my felf, ifGod gave life and opportunity, to en- deavour, according to the meafure ofthe Gift re- ceived, an Expofition of the Epiftle to the Hebrews. ASubjell this was, I then knew, and now acknowledge, much labouredin by many eminent and learned men, both ofoldand of late. In particular, f me entire Commentaries, compofed withgood judgment, and to very goodpurpofe, have beenpnblfsed in our own Language. Tea,from him whofill began afirious Expofition of this Epfle, and whom none in all thingshave to this day exceeded, there havepaged few ages wherein_lime or other have not endeavoured theExplicationof it: And this allo hath been doneby menofall forts and parties, ofall perfwafans and Opinions in Chri- fiian Religion; an account of whole Patera! endeavours Jhall elfe-where be given. somewhat there was ofencouragement unto me in my defrgned un- dertaking, andfamewhat of quite akother tendency in this confideration: The help which Insight receive from thefdulous labours offo many learned men, and thole in Times, Places, Principles, difrant and diftingssifbed from each other; as alfo managing their common defign with great variety as to particular intentions; Ilooked on as a matter of no fmalladvantage unto me. Some I found had critically examined many of the Words, Phrafes and Expreffions of the Writer g fame compared his Quotations with theplaces in the OldTeamentfrom whence they are taken. some had endeavoured an Analyfis of the feveral Difcourfes of the Author, with the nature and force of the Arguments infiied on by him. The labours affame were to improve the Truths contained in the Eple untoPra&ice g others have collected the difficulties which they obferved therein, and (a) (canned

(canned them in a Scholafßical way, with °bjetlions and Solutions after their manner. Others had an efpecial defrgn unto the Places, whore fenfe i1 controverted amongfi the feveral Parties at variance in Chriflian Religion; all in their way and manner endeavouring to give light to the intentions of the Holy Ghnfl, either in particular paffages, or in the whole Eple. The helps and advantages in the invefligation of the mind of God, which by their labours might be obtained, I looked on as a great encouragement to undertake the fame work with them, and to promote the light of truth thereby. But on the other fide, no(mall ob- jeílion unto the whole work and deign did hence alfo arife. For it might Jean to Come altogether needled to ingage in that, which fa many had al- readygone through with to the great profit and edification of the church. Andnothing canor ought morejufly to weaken and take of the refolution of any in this kind ofendeavours, than that they are needle For what ever isfo, will afro thereby be ufelef, and becaufe of1eß, burthenfome. This confideration, I confefi, did for a' long time deter mefrom executing my purpofe, of calling my Mite into this Saniluarÿ. But yet after I had made a throughperufal of all the Comments, Expofitions, Annotations, or Obfervations on the Epiflle, which by any means I could obtain, I returned again upon fundry confiderations unto my former thoughts and refalutions. For,firfl, I found the excellencyof the Writing to befuch, the depths ofthe Myileries`contained in it to befa great, the compaf of the truth alerted unfolded andexplained fa extenkve and&Ned through the whole body of Chrian Religion, the ufefulnef äf the things delivered in it fo 'important, and indifenkbly neceffäry, as that I was quicklyfatisfied, that the Wífdom, Grace andTruth treafured in this fatted Store-houfe, arefo far from being exhaufled andfully drawn-forth by the endeavours ofany, or all that are gone before us, orfrom beingall perfeìly broughtforthto light by them, as that I wasaffisred that there was left afufficientground and foundation, not only for renewed invefligation after rich Branches inthis Mine for the prefent .Generation, butfin all thesis that fallfucceed unto the confummation of all things. For if wefind it thus inHumane Sciences, that no Ability, no Indu- ftry, no Combination of the ersof happy Witsfor their improvement informer Ages, bath precluded the way unto perfons of Ingenuity and Learning, to adde confiderably inféveral kinds unta their refetlive advancement ;norPall thefedultty of this prefent Age in the furtheranceand adorning ofthem, be ever able tobring-them unto any filch perfehlion, as to condemn fucceeding Generations unto theflothfulandfervile drudgery ofthe meer perufal of their Dillatesand Preferiptions, andfo by the ufe oftheir Inventions leave unto others only that of their memory ? how much more waft we grant the fame in things Divine, and the f iritual knowledge of them, wholeflares in this life are abfalittely inexhaufiible, and whofe depths arenot fully tobe fathomed. Again it is evident, that the principal things alerted and taught in this Epiflle, filch as is the Doctrineof thePerlon and the Priefthood of fefus Chrf, have received a more eager andfubtil oppofition, fine the laboursand endeavours ofthe moll in the Expofitionofit,than theyhaddone before. And as this renders the vindication ofthe places wherein they are taught and ofrted, neceffary, co it is not unknown unto thole whoareconverfant in thefe kinds offludies, what advantage may be obtained in the invefligation of truth by the oppofitien that is made unto it; efeeially when that Oppo- fition is managed with a curious fearch into every word andfyllable which may flew togive countenance untoit, as afo in thelifting of every tittle and

To the ChriftianReáder. andjQartiele that liands in its way 5 which courfe ofprocedure, he enemies oftherruths mentioned, have with much art and indu r engaged them. felves into. But thatwhichmall of all took offthe weight of the difourage- ment that arofefrom the multiplied endeavours_ oflearned in this kind, war an Obfervation, that allof thembeing intent on the en e ofthewords, as abfolutely confidered, and the Isle of them to the prefent church, had much over-looked Epifil to the thenpall, rent regard that the Author had in the writing future condition ofthe Hebrews, this Eple p f , or Church ofthe t the Church, they dideither wholly negleïi them,ofor pals' in the light f them over ,in a aúd jerf lsníl'arymanner. Nor indeedhad many of them, though otherwife excellently well qualiuled, a competency ofskill for the due withdjudgment things conider that thetW thofe that thisPEpifil,s the time wherein e wrote it, the proper end for which it was compofed, thefubjett matter treated of in it, the principles heproceeds upon, and his manner of arguing, willeafiilyperceive, that without a feriousconfderation ofthem, it is notpolfible to come to a right comprehenfron (in many things) of the mind ofthe HolyGhofi therein. Many Principles ofTruth he takes for granted, m acknowledged ansoàgíl the Hebrews during their former Churchhate, and makes themafoundation for his own Superflruílure 5 ninnyCufosier, vfgees, Ordinances, Inflitutions, received fenfe ofplaces of scripture amorgfl the Jews, he eitherproduceth or reflects upon, and one wayor other makes ufe ofthe whole MofaicalOeconomy or Syftem of DivineWorfhip under the Law, unto his own purpofe. The common neglect of thefe things, or flight tranfactionof them in nsoft Expofltors, was that which principally relieved mefrom the fore-mentioned difcouragement. And this alfa was that which at length gave rife untothefe Exercitations, which take p the great part ofthe enfuingBook. Some of them are indeed indi en bl due to the work it felf. suchare thofe which concern the Canonical Authority ofthe Epile, the Writer ofit, theTime of its writing, the Phrafeology of the Author, with the way he proceeds in the Quotations of Tefimonies out of the Old Teflament, andfomeother ofthefame tendency; the rfdue of them were oc- cafoned meerybythe confederation before inffledon, Some great Principles I obferved, that the Apofllefuppofed, which he built all his arguing; and exhortations'upon, not directly proving or confirming the Principles them.- felves, but as taking them for granted; partlyrom thefaith of the Judaicai Church, andpartly from the New Revelation of the Gofpel, which thofi to whom he wrote did as yet admit of, and avow. Such"were theft, Thaf therewas a Meffiah promifed from the foundation of the world, to be a Spiritual Redeemer of Mankind. That this Meffiah was come, and had performed and accomplifhed the work affigned unto him for the end oftheir Redemption. That Jefus of Nazareth was this .Meffiah. Not one line in the whole EpJ1le, but is in anof pecial manner relayed into theft Principles, anddeduced from them. Theft therefore Ifound it neceffary to examine and confirm, to unfold, vindicate, and declare, that their in- fluenceunto the Apofiles difcourfe might be manifef, and his arguing from them be underflood.. It is true, I havefo handled them, as all along to re- prefent the opinions of the incredulous Apoflate Jews about them, and to vindicate them from the exceptions oftheirgreateft Matters, of oldand of late. But he thatfhall lookon theftConfiderations andDifcourfesas a matter only of Controverfie with the Jews, will but evidence his own weak df (a 2)

To the Chriftian Reader. ,id Ignorante in things ofthis Nature. Who knows not that they are the very fundamental Principles of our Chrifiian Profeffzon; and which becaufeof that oppofttlen that umade unte them, ought to befrequently inculcated andfirong_ ly confirmed. And ifLearnedMen find it in thra day Neceffary for them to dìfpnte far, to prove and vindicate the very Principles of Natural Theolo- gy, the Being andAttributes of God, the truth whereof bath left indelible cha- raiters of it felf upon the minds of all the ChildrenofMen ; how much more Neeeffary muff it needs be, ta endeavour the confirmationand re-inforcement of there grand Principles of supernatural Revelation , which have no contri- bution of evidence from the inbred inexpugnable light of Nature, andyet are no lefs indifpenfibly Neceffary unto the future condition of the fouls of Men, than thole others are. I am not therefore without hope, that the handling of them, as it was necessary unto my dfgn, fi it will not be unacceptable unto the Candid Reader. For what it mixed in our Difcourfes of them concerning Judaical Cufiems, Opinions, Prailìces, Expofitions, Interpretations of Promifet, Traditions and the like, will not I hope give dillafle unto any, unless it be Each as being Ignorant ofthem, and unacquainted with them, well choose fo to continue, rather than be infiri and by them, whom they would byno means have fuppafed to be in any thing more knowing than themselves. I doubt not therefore,hut our endeavours on that fubjeFt, will be able to fecure their own fia- elon, as to their ufefulnefs, both by the importance of the atter treated of in them, as alto from theNecefcity of laying them as afore Foundation unto the enticing Expofition of the Epifite it Pelf. Befidesthese generalprinciples, there arealfo fundry other things belonging so the Mofaical order andframeof Divine Warship, which the LAFaille either diretfly treateth of, or ene way or other improves unto his own peculiar defign. This alfa he deth fometimes diretily and intentionally, and fometimes in eranftu, reflellingon them, and as it were only calling them to mind, leaving the Hebrews to theConftderation of what concerning them, they bad been for- merly infiruíled in. such is the whole rMatter of the Priefthood and Sa- crifices of the Law,of the Tabernacle, and litenftls of it, ofthe old Covenant,of thegiving of the Law, the Commands, Precepts, and sanîiions of it in its Pro- mises and breatnings, Rewards and Punishments. Hereunto alfa he adds a remembrance of thecall ofAbraham, with the flareand condition of the peo- ple from thence unta the giving of the Law, with funky things of the like nature. Without a competentcomprehenfion of, andacquaintance with theft things, and their relation to the Will and tVarfhip of God, it is altogether ist vain for any one toimagine, that they mayarriveunta any clear cinderfland- ing of the mindof the HolyGhaft in this portion of scripture. Now as Ibadobserved, that the Considerationand Explanation of themhad been too muchnegletled by the generalityofExpofitors, fo I quickly found, that to infisi at large upon them, andaccording as their weight Bethdeferve, in the particular places, wherein the v.2tention of them cloth occurr, would too often, and too much divert me from the purfalt of the efpeclal defsgn of the Apofile in thole places and difenable the Reader from carrying on the tendency of the whole in the perufai of it. To prevent both which inconveniencies, I fixed upon the course the Reader will find infilled on; namely , to handle them all severally, and apart, inprevious Exercitations. Having given this general Account of my defsgn and purpose in the en- fuingDifcoorfesg fame few requesis unto the Reader /hall absolve him from farther attendance in this entrance. Firfi ¡mull beg his Candid Intepreta- lion of the reporting of fume of thole Jew íh Fables and Traditions whichhe will

To the Chriftian Reader iii, meet *Wall in few of the Exercitations, I couldpleadNeedíity, and Vfe; and thole fuch,,,nwail evinetthem(elves in she (everat places andpall- `ages of the Difeour s aubere they are reported. For they are none of them nakedly produced, to fatu'e the Curiosity of any; but either the invefligation of force truth hidden under them, and involved in them or she difcovery of their rife and occafion, or the laying open of the folly of the pretences of the ?relent Jews in their unbelief, lath fill accompany their recital. However, I will not rigidly juflifie the produdlion of all and every of them , but put it amongfl thofe things , wherein the Candour of the Reader may have an opportunity to exeresfe it fell. I mull beg alfo of the Learned Reader a consideration of the fiate Ind condition, wherein through the good Providence of Gad i have been during the great(fl part of the time wherein theft Exer- citations were written and Printed; and i aid prat in requital ofhis kind- nefs, that he may never know by Experience , what imprejfions of failings , miflakes, and feveral defelis in exaNnefs , uncertainties, freights and ex- elafton from the ufe of Bookswill bring and leave upon endeavours of this kind. And what ever defeis alley may meet withal, or complain of in:. thole Dif- courfes,my defign waa through the ble /ng ofGod,that theyfhould hove no cattle to complain of want of diligence and incluflry in me. But yes t am [enfibie in the iffue that many things may teem to reprefen, that carelefnefs of mind,or precipitancy in writing, which is altogether anmeet to be impofed on Men in thisknowing age. But what ever other reffetlions I may be obnoxious unto, for thewant of Ability and Jadgement, which in me are very (mall in reference to fo great an undertaking, I muff crave of the Reader, to believe, thatl would not willingly be guilty of fo much importune confidence , as to impfe upon him things trite, crude, and undigefled, which either ordinary prst- deuce might bave concealed, or ordinary diligence have amended. What ever therefore of that kind may appear unto him, 1 would crave, that it may be laidupon the account of the condition which i have intimated before, For the Expofition of the Epiftle it [elf, whereof I have given here a Specimen in thetwo fief Chapters, 1 confess, as was Paid before, that l bave had thoughts for many years to attempt (ometltng in it, and in the whole :wife ofmy studies have not been without force regardthereunto. But yet i muff now fay, that after all (earthing and Reading, Prayer andAfslduous e.714edltation on the Text, have been my only reserve, and far moll ufeful means of Light and Afsiflance, By these have my thoughts been freed from many andmany an entanglement, which the Writings of others on the fame , Mafia, had either cal me into, or couldnot deliver mefrom. Careful 1 have been, as ofmy lifeand foul, to bring no prejudicate fenfe unto the wards, to impof'e no meaning of my own, or other Mens upon them, nor to be impofed on by the reafonings, pretences, or Curiofties of any ; but always went nakedly it she word it Pelf, to learn humbly the mind ofGod in it, and to expels it as he Jhould enableme. To obis end, 1 alwayes in the firfl place confidered the fenfe, meaning, and importance of thewords of the Text, and the confideration of theirOriginal Derivation, ufe in other Authors, especially in the LXX. of the Old Tefiament, in the Books of the New, particularly, the Writings of the lame Author, was confiantly made ale of, to that purpofe. oft times thewords ex' preffed out of the Hebrew, or the things alluded unto amongfl that people, i found to give much light inta'thewords of the Apofile themfelves. Unto the general rule of attending unto the defign and (cope of the place, fubjelt treatedof, mediums fixed on for Arguments, Methods of Ratiocination, 1 Hill kept in my eye the lime and Seafon ofWriting this Epifilt, the fate andcoln-

To the Christian Reader. dltìon of them towhorish wits wrote, their Perfwafions, Prejudices, Cullom,, tightand Traditions, the Covenant and Wor(hip of the Church of old, the Tran¡lation of Covenant Priviledges and 1 orfhip over taro the Gentiles upon a newaccount, the courfe of Providential Differfations that the people were under, the near expiration of their Church and state, with the [peaty approaching of their utter abolition and de/lrue`lion, with the Temptations that befell them on all thefe various acuunts; Without which, it is impel= fible for any one Jufily to follow the Apo(tle, fo es to keep claie to his deign, or fully to underhand his mind andmeaning. If any ¡hall think, that Ihave referred too many things unto theCullom: andViages of theJews, and looked too much after Tome guidance in fundry Exprefsions and Difcourfes ofthe Apoflle from them ; I only .Infwer, that Of when 1 am convinced by particu- lar inflances of mi(lakes therein , I ¡hail willingly acknowledge them : fo for the prevent I am latisfied, that other Expofitors have bad much too little regard thereunto. The Expoftion of the Text is attended with an improve- ment of Pra6lical Obfervations, anfwering the great end for which the Bpi- file was committed over to all Generations far the ufe of the church. If its force of them 1 (hall teem to any to have been too Prolix, 1 mall only An- fwer, that having no other way to ferve the Edification of the Generality of cbriftians, i thought not fo. Tet to prevent their farther objeclient on that account, i intend, that if ever any addition in the Jame work be prepared for publick view, to regulate my proceedings therein, according as I ¡hall have account from PerEonsof Learning and Godlinefs, concerning that courfe ofprof cedure, which they e(teem to tend moll to the goodand edification oftheChurch ofGod, to whofe Judgement Iheartily fubmtt the(e andall other endeavours ofthe like kind, whereunto Ihavebeen, or yet may be called. JOFdN OWSN ERRATA

ERRATA in 'the Exercitati on s. y Aga 5. lin. 1. Marrobius read Arnobius: p. z9. I. 10. à fint, 1`zpo;na, T. izrt4axñe: p 35 1 i t; g7iorsnt+n,]z 72.1. 21. I. 9. great, r. Greek: p. 55 1.3r: Heirs,r. Heir r P. 52.1. 36,. 452aP7 S'_P"7 tN101P, r.CJ+NUt+h: P.73.1.31,32.twin. r.118'I7: L uJ,r.NP77ö: p.81.1.21.r. from eontriving: p.97..1. u.Onfelor, r.OnGos.p.98.1.41. C+111D1, 01[71: p. 99.1. ,4, ]r. +77]7 : 4. PUP, r. PUPa r. p.103.1.23, 1. àlfine,mereicbitm.are. 34i 2f li 8. r. p. 106.1. 9. a fine, di/lino. Cbolet. r. diffine. Cbeler. p. 123. 1. 5, C.rfarsof, p. 4' dnillra,r. Armillus: p.1z6.1. If. ,Abriba, r.Akiba: P.134.1.30. 1. 6. à tone, `Per+efus, r. Of: Tenant 42.1. 15. +7117 1. +]" p. 144.1. 4. a fine, rpl, r. y1T : P. 146. p. 153. 1. 15. xetanna : 1. 201, Pr147+L 34. Árutb. r. Arab. p.151. 1.14. a fin,, Deafen. Amaino: Itiages,r.Hyflafpe,: p, t6o.16.imeo,r.purg4.1.66NID,r.NID7: p. r56.1.11, zo,27. dly context, r. comefl : p, r85.1. z5, r. 1 of, p. 3 á fine, Rambam: P. 168.1. 6. a frae, 1. a/e. bflaace, X. fubfeftente ; 197. 111, and for 1PI7T, r.1]11: P. 192.1. 9. r. Darianes : p. 193 Yel, r. namely: L42. buda:p L 29, 36. left, r loll : p. 200. L 3. eemmiferant : p. zoz.1. 9. reßrütian: P. 21q,1. 6a ne, P 7 1. tr.faros : 1.3 I. Alfbetb: p. 211.1.14. èf,m, re/litutian, r. 1 1 n àfine, bfabei. 1. a ñ,, more, r.pmeer18.1. 4a mnb, r. mb+tb: p, 220. 1. 41. fpirìtaal: p, 211. clearlyexpnffid: p.zz9`i.13,67r.1f 1p.1.i 5.137;1; p. 1z6.1.1z.r,leftbid: 1. 19. tbe,5lfeJfab: 2 I. P 3 5 i)7]: p. 232. 1. 13. Rotbeb. r. Rotbel: p1z8. P 39 47. advice, r.adjare: p.280.1. 29. 112N7tD: P. 151.1. p. 238. ver: p. 252. L 14. Kings, r, king: p, 255.1. 18. faproved, r. reproved : 1. 30. r 7 9' nom, r. et- Ver: Difcourfes: p.26o.1.16.alfa, r.after: L ro. afine,camml on, r.om: ton 11: p. z56.1.31. cial: p.276. 1, 16. Saní&an,r. Saílian: 2 0.1. r + p. 75 I.1. r. Adi- eu! otber: p.311.1. 17. laying, r.flayin P 9 7O J7fl7: p. 308. 1. ;. mba thought : l. z6. g> P. 3 5 4 ferebrsto, r. feretrto.; There andHngl fh which atd'ielligentaatld Candid Reader wiÌeafil} obf[rpeoand aìueld,e And it ishnoeCWOith the while recoiled them for thofe who arc otherwife. Exercitätiò

Exercitatio I. The Canonical authority of the Epitle to the Hebrews. Notation of the word. rup Kandy, ameafuring reed. The beàmof abalance. Thence Kteeaiv of the fame fignification. Metapbo= Mealy a moral rule. Kellum andCanon, howfar the fame. TheScripture a rule. Canonical. The Antiquity of that Appellation. TheCanon of theScripture. What required to render a book Canonical. Alboòkc of the holy Scripture equal(as to their divine Original. yews . diJfinlfion ofthe books of theold Te(fament, as to themanner of their writing, dif rowed. Al equaly Canonical. No bookCanonical of a fecund fort, or-degree. The EpJlle to the , Hebrews Canonical. Oppofed by Hereticks of old. Not received into the Latin Church until the days ofHierome. Proved ageinff Baronius. Not rejeiled byany ofthat Church: only not publiquely approved. The Church of Rome not the foie propofer of books Canonical. Oecafionof its non-admittance at Rome. Boldnefs offume in rejetling and corrupting the Scripture. Bywhom thisEpiflle oppofedoflate. The objeaionof the uncertainty of the Pen- man Anfwered. Citations out of the oldTefbament not found therein: Anfwer. Citations' not to hispùrpofe. Anfwer. Countenance to oldHerefies. Anfiver. General heads ofArguments to prove its CanonicalAuthority. Charalïersto dif over between books of divine infßiration and others. yvúµn. vp4stdn %apeildp. apootpnss. The General Arguments of books truly Canonical. Subject, Matter, Defign, Style. Of theftyle of the. Sacred writings. Miftales of many about it. The natureofEloquence. Excellency of Scripture Style, Energie, Efficacy. Tradition concerning the Authority of this Eplfle; not juffly lyabk to any exceptions, from the Author, CircumfLances, Subjett, Matter, Style. Teffimonles. Conclufion. He Canonical Authority of the Epifile unto the Hebrews ha- ving been by Tome called into Qleeítion, we mutt in our entrance declare both what it is which we intend thereby, as alto the clear intereft of this "Epofle therein ; for this is the foundation of all thofe enfuing diftourfes from it, and that expofitionofit, which we intend. The Greekword,esvrìv, whichgives rife unto that term Ca- nonical, feems tobe derivedfrom theHebrew rupKaneh ; and this asit fometimes denotesan Aroniatical cane that contained fpices in it, ufed in the worfhip of God, as Iii.4.3.v.z4. Ott sup TI'ip thou haft bought me no Tweet Cane with flyer ( for this 111Dít ¡upprecious Cane, growing not in their own Countrey, was bought from a far off, 3er. 6.20.) fo in general it fignifiesany reed whatever, a Kings 14. 15. Ifai. 42. 3. whence a multi- tude of fierce and wicked men compared to the devouring Crocodile whole lurking place is in the canes oc reeds, are termed rup flfl thebeaff of the reed, Pfal. 68. 3o. Particularly it fignifiesa reedmade into an initrument, wherewith they meafured their buildings,containing fix Cubits in length, Exek 4o. 7. Chap. 42. r6. And henceinde- finitely it is taken for a Rule or a Iv eafure. Bcfidesit fignifies the jugum,or fcapus, or beam with the tongue ofa ballance keeping the poyfe of the fcales equal, and difco- vering the rectitude or declenuions thereof, Ifai. q.6. 6. ittpw' rupn íD7 they weighed' filver on the Cam ; that is, faith the Targum Kytt4132 in the balance; the fupporter and direüorof the leales, beingput for the whole. TheRabbins callit, tnitsee 71V rup the reed of the fcales , that which tryes and weighs and gives every thing its just moment. )i And f. ít. 2é

z Canonical Authority of the 0.3. And this alto is the ftrft and proper fignification of the Greek word xarór; Canon. So the Scholiäff on that ofAriJlophanes, Kas xaróvas gainer', )b rdxers i rev. tells us, that arenb if xu/ials 7ó iv¿rmT;s 7pv71411s ó, , is iot4117a7;&nv äyor : properly that which is over the fèales bringing them ( and the things weighed in them ) to equa- friflopb.ix lily. The very fame with the Hebrew ßu7 from which it is derived. Solrarinut tells "R At. 3. us that it is properly the tongue in the ballance, and in ufe tailrle dd`rd,.14scv. Thus ardiot.de Ariilotle (ayes, .tip" ehri,; dvta xj xaµa,:roryavaaxaçodt,,xeliñs ydfdu2órr8 xaav, by that Axim. rib. I. which is right, we know its fe f and that which h crooked, for the Canon is judge of both : tap. au. where he ulèth the word for any kindof rule or meafure anfwering unto the other fignification of Kaneb in the Hebrew. Re$nm and Canon, that Which is right, and the rule, areone and the fame; theone expreflion denoting the nature of any thing, the other itslife and Application. 4, 4. From this original proper importance ofthe word, is its metaphorical ufe deduced, which is molt Common ; and therein it ¡ignifies amoral Rick, or a meafure, for di- . Ariflot. Pet. rethon, tryall and judgement. Hence the Philofopher calls the Law xavóva á awnre;at, ab. a. cap' 8 the rule of the adminidlratiou, or government of the Common-wealth; that whereby all the parts of it are difpofed into their proper places,: whereby they are regulated, and all things done in it are tryed and judged. And in this fence it is applyedby S'. Paul unto divine Revelation, Gal. 6. r 6..cot and uuna, 7i70 seixdoxarr, as many as proceed or- derly, that is, in a dire way, ( for fo sorx'te denotes) according to thin rule or Canon. And to the fame purpofe he ufethagain the fame exprefiion, Phil. 3. r6. For as the wordsof the Scripture are in themfelves ntN tia7 words of Truth, fo the writing it Pelf is itvt Mr, a right writing ; or as the LX X. yay104apov bueú ,46)- ; that which is written inuprigbtnef,to be a rule, and Judge unto all. is Genitivus aeunlli, not materie, declaring the property ofthe writing not the fubjeét matter ; that is, it is Canonical ; for TI ¡wit and ramie that which is right, and a rule, we have ¡hewed to be the fame. And from hence it is, that the Scripture, or written Word ofGod, being in it felf everyway abfolutely right and perfeâ, and appointed by him to be.theRule or Canonof the Churches faith and obedience, requiring, try- ing, regulating, judging wholly and abfolutely of them, is beconie uno' ¡arde by way of eminent' tobe called Canonical, or regular as the Book' wherein it iscontained is called-the Bible, though in it felt that be the Commonname of all Books. 4. 5 And this Appellation is of ancient ufe in the Church. The Synod ofLaodicea, Cup- Coxcil. Laut poled to have prxceded the Council of Nice, makes mention of it, as a thing'gene- Cen. Ss. rally admitted for the Fathers of it decree, irrt "òv J'. Ltior,xás +}at auç x¡ya.5n, b, it Z40,01044, rPÌ dxavórsxo Brßrla, ¿Mai at3ró rs xaWOrrxd als &VAS ej óra5mñs ehdeöxnf; That no private Pfalmes ought to be laidor read in the Church, nor anyuncanosical Books, but the Canonical books of the new and old Teelament, whole names they fubjoin in Eafeb.arelef :,their order. And Tome while before, the Bifhops who joyned with the Church of Riß lib. 7. Antioch in the depofition of Paulus Samofatenus charge him. as ó (mastic m xavieos one car. 39' that in the introdu?ion of his herefre departed from the Canon or rule of the Scri- tres. lib, a pture. Before them allo, it was called by Irenaus rawly fi dney,?as dxuvds. And cap. es,. Cbryfflome calls it -ñ1 Semr riumv lonleaea, thefntence of the divine Laws, a'xußii aíyor ehryfelL.n' eirrávruv ça n4oeu 4 xariva, the exaél ballante fcare or rule and Canon of all truths adCot. cale.6 and duties; wherein he hath evidently refpeâ unto the original ufe and importance adfimm. of the word before explained ; and thereupon calls on his hearers, that. omitting the confederation of what this or that man (ayes or thinks, they ¡hould Peek and require 7a47. Leolla ,raps¡ T Yeymvv all theft things of or from the Scriptures, which are :augu' de the.Canon: of our faith and obedience. And Auflin, demonflrine eccleftamfuam non in aaitat. Ece1ef. rumoribeeo Africorum, fed in prefcripto legit, in Prophetarum pradiïiis, in Pfalmorum cap. 16. cámibus, hoc eft in omnibus Canonici: Sanliorum librorumauthoritatibus. Let them demon- , firatetheir Church, not by the rumors of the African r, but by theprafcription of the Law," thepredii'lion: of theProphets, the Songs of the Pfalms, that is by the Canonical Authority Lib. a. de sap, of the holy book: of the Scriptures. And he purfues the Metaphor of a fcale and a ad Doaat. meafure in manywords elfewhere. And thus Aquinas himfelfconfeffeth the Scripture cap. 6, is calledCanonica,.becaufe it is the Ruleof our underfianding in the things of God ; a Tim. 6. And fucha,Rule it is, ás. bath- Authority;overthe Confeiences of men, to. bind them lac, t. unto faithand obedience, becaufeof its being givenof Godby infpiration for that pur- pole. Moreover

EpiIlk..to the.HsnkEvvs Moreover as the Scripture upon the accountsmentioned, is by way of eminency 4, 6. laid to be Canonical, fo there is allo aCanonor rule determining what books in par.. ticular do belongunto the HolyScripture, and to be on that account Canonical. So trfiaaa is ,rltbanafius tells us that by MeHoly Scripture he intends, Librascerta canons compre- strop¡.f benfo:, the books contained in the affured Canon of it. And Ruffinte having teekoned x jji,s izpo rt. up thofe books, concludes, hi [antquo:patres intra Canner( eoficlu/irunt, Thefeare they fymb,fpo /el, which the Fathers have concludedto be in the Canon; that is, to belong unto theCañoni' cal books of Scripture. And Ruffin to the fame purpofe t Non finecaufa, Yam fitlubri dagefi. ad vigilancia Canon Ecclejáfficus conffitutus eft, ad quem certi Prophetarum' er Apo(iolorum Co fvon. lib.s. libri pertinerent ; not without good reafon is the Eccleftaffical Canon determined by mho!- 0AP 31. f me diligence, unto which, certain book: of the Prophet: andApoffles fhoeeldbelong. About the Aflignation of this Canon of the Scripture, or what books belònged unto the Canonical Scripture, there have been fomedifferencesin the Church, lince the time of the Synod of Carthage , confirmed by that. in Trulla at Contiantinopk. The hell Church having agreed well enough about them, excepting the hsfttation ofCome few perfons in reference untoone or two of themof the New Tettament. From this rife and ufe of the word, it is evident, what is intended by, the Cana, Meal Authority of the Scripture, or ofany particular book thereunto belonging. Two things are included in that expreffion. Fief, the fpring and Original of any book, which gives it Authority ; and Secondly the deftgnandend of it which renders it Canonical. For the firff, it is required that it be eebaratc , given by immediate in., fpiration from 'God; without this, no book or writing can by any-means, any ac- ceptation , or approbation of the Church, any ufefulnefs, any fimilitude ofstyle, manner of writing unto thebooks that are fo, anyconformity in matter or do6trine to them, have an intereft in that Authority that fhould lay a foundation for its re- ception into the Canon. It is the imprefs of the Authority ofGod himfelf on any writing, or its proceeding immediately from him, that isfufticient for this purpofe: N:ither yetwill this alonefuflice to render any Revelation or writing abfolutely Cano- nical in the fenfe explained. There maybe an efpecial Revelation from God, or a writing by hisinspiration, like that fent by Elijah unto Jehoram the Kingof Judah, 2 Cloron,_a t. 12, which being referred only unto tome particular occafton; and having thence Authority for {-tune efpecial end and purpofe, yet being not designed for a Rule offaithand obedience'unto the Church, may not belong untó the Canon of the Scripture. But when unto the Original ofdivine infpiration, this end alto is added, that it isdefigned by theHoly Gholtfor the Catholick standing ufe and inftrufkion of the Church, Then any writingor bookbecomes abfolutelyand compleatly Canonical. TheJews of latter Ages, atlign Come difference among thebooks of theoldTeamene, SC8. as to their fpring and Original, or manner, of Revelation though they make none as nMebambo . o M o. e; to their being all Canonical!. The Boo of the Law , the al n unto a peculiar c. manner of Revelation which they call no 7l4t tf or 1311017N t7t)o mouth to mouth, i(,imcbi prop: or face to face, which they gather from Numbers 12,.8. whereof afterwards. Others soi Pfai of them they affirm to proceed from rat]) or the giftof Propbefìe, whereofas they make many kinds or degrees, taken from thedifferent means ufed by God in the Ap- plication of himfelf unto them, belonging to the Irosvrerrix of divine 'Revelation mentioned by the Apoffle, Heb. t. t. fo they divide thofe books into two parts,. namely the 171mm pity23 or former Prophets containing most of the bifforical Book,r after the endof the Law ; and Dim rtlt pie}+]) the latter prophets, wherein they coin- prife the molt of them peculiarly fo called. The Original of the remainder of them they afcribe unto ten pct fin or infpiration by the holy Ghoff, calling them peculiarly =no written, by that infpiration ; as though the whole Canon and fylleme of the books were not rint 7the Scripture, or writing, and .9toavbsfa, or divineinfßiration, the only means of their writing. But tkey do hereinas in many other things. The diftribution of the books of the old Teltament, into the Law, Pfahns and Pro- phets, was very antient in their Church. We have mention of it, Luke 24. 44. rdYt.yot d, cv my; róµu Mnelas, igueldreeat, xi 4,04.407s, that are written w, the law of' Mote:, and in the Prophet?, and in the Plaints,that is, in the wholeCanonicadScripture. And evident it is that this diffribution_is. taken from thefubjell matter of thofe princi- pal parts of it. This reafon of that diftributiora whichthey have by Tradition, they not knowing or negleéting, have feigned the rife of it in a different manner of Revelation, and cati the particular books arbitrarily under what heads. they pleated ; as is evident from fundry of them which they reckon unto the 1:::ra1r] Ce- B h tbubim,

. Canonical Authority of.the thubim, or Hagiographa,which are with them of leafs efleem. But we have"artlore fire rule,both overthrowing that feigned diffinaion, andpettedly equalizing all parts ofdivine Scriptureas to theirjringand original,S.Petercalls the whole efóyee ,euemil aav, 2 Pet..i.19. the word ofProphefie; and rueyenra+ar, v.20. Prophefie, and therefore it be longs not unto any peculiar part of it, to be given out' by Prophefie; which is an affiiiion ofthe whole. And 5`. Paul alfo, terms the whole Scripture yparir apoonia' Rom. 16. 26. prophetical Scriptures, or writings of the Prophets. And when he demanded ofAgrippa whether he believed the Scriptures , he Both it in the fame manner , OnçA+'. ç Toit trearinue Aels 28, 23. believeff thou theprophets? that is, the Seri-, ptures, written by the fpirit of Prophefie, or by the infpiration zx à°gois avdparyp Xeisn I Pet. I. I2. of the Jpirit of Chrift that was in them. God '. of old fpake, ev z3tr aeyynaraas Heb.. I. r. in his Revelation oflimfelf unto them and in them; and equally fake die slua1Ñ} âyf áytdv a%l eke drwrf} xf,exoT1 Lure I.70. unto them, by the mouth of his holy Prophets from the beginning. And thus, not this; or that.part, but xaoa new) 9e6xeds& z um. 3. 16. all Scripture was given by infpiration. And herein all the parts, or books of it are abfolutely squall. And in the givingout of the whole, tizro and p a113} iy(x i áAgaar ór Vol 9eá -Veraraot 2 Pet. J. 21. holy men of Godfpake as they were moved by the holy Gholt. So that whatever durent means God. at any time might make ufe of in the communication of his mind and will unto any of the Prophets or penmen of the Scripture , it was this.9aefedsia, and being ailed, by the holy Ghoff, both, as to Things and Words, that rendred them infalli, bleRevealersof him unto the Church. And thus the foundation of the Canonical authorityof thebooks of the Scripture, is abfolutely the fame in and unto them all, without the leali variety, either from any differencein kindof degree. ,, 9. The fame is their condition as to their being Canonical s..they are all fo equaL.y. Some ofthe Ancients nfed that term ambiguonfy, and therefore fometimes callbooks Canonical that abfolutely are not fo, as not being written bydivine infpiration, nor given by the 'Holy Gholl to be any part ofthe Ruleof the Churches faithand obedi, tonsil, Col- once. Thus.theConffantinopolitan Council in Trula confirms the Canons both of the. ,fa. iarrol. ,Synod of Laodicea, and the third of Carthage , which agree not in the Catalogues GM. Z. they give us of books Canonical, which without afuppofitionof theambiguityofthe word, could not be done, unlefs they would give an affent 'unto a plain and open tonsil, ca;tha. contradiction. And theCouncil ofCarthage makes evident its fenfe in their Appendix. 3 rap.47 Cad. annexed to the one and fortieth Canon, wherein they reckonup the books of the (xs. 50. holy Scripture. Hoc etiam ( fay they) fratri err. confacerdoti noffra Bonifacio, vet aliú. eárumpartium Epifcopie, pro confirmando iffo Canone, immtefat, gnia a,patribus iJta accepi- mss legenda ; liceat etiam legipaffiones Martyrum Glum Aniverfarii diet celebramur. They fpeak dúbioully concerning their own determination,, and intimate that they called" thebooks they. enumerated Canonical, only as they.might be read in the Church.;. which priviledge they grant an: to the f'ories of the fufferings of theMartyr(which. Epiphan.I7ar. yet"none thought to be properly canonical. The fame, Epiphanies teitifies: of the, 3 °cat?s Epifiles of Clemens. But as the books which that Synodadded to the Canon of Laodicea,. Enfe6.itó. 4 are tee ` j" feed by Helïto, Origen, Athanafrus, . Hilarius, Gregorian. Nazianen, Cyridur tíb.6, cap,aq. Hierofölimitanus, Epipbanias, Rulinur,.Hlerome, ,Gregorius magnus, and others ; fo. their Athanol. in reading and Citation is generally declared by them to. have been only for direction: fYnerf of manners, and not for the confirmationof the faith; even as S'. Paul cited an Iambick Ital'fra raat' out of Menander, or rather Euripides a Cor. I an hems ichium out of }Paws,: ix Pfal. P 5.33 f NoKian, in 411J 17.28. and a wholeHexameter out ofEpimenides, Tit. 1. 12. ninfuns canonici fed cumin, leguntur Catechumens (faith Atbanafus) Yhey are not Canonical, but are only read to Byrd. Gareth. the Catechumen : And Hierome, the Church reads them ad udificationem pkbis; non ad 4p' iphan.Ho.8. Authoritatem Ecclefiajlicarum dogmatum confnxnandam ; for the edification of the peo-. Ralf. Expojk, plc, but not for theconfirmation of any points of faith. But although fome books. . fym6. truly Canonical were of old amongft fome iv d,uytasx71 .as Epiphanius fpeaks, doubted Ricrac prat. of; and fome were commonly read, that are . certainly hnrlapvpa and rejifiitimes, yet' Gateau. ad neither -the mifiake of the harmer, nor later ractice can. give any countenance Paulin.' pre( to. an Apprehenlion of a fécond, or various fort of books properly canonical. For the . inti6, wont. interell of any book or writing in the. canon of the Scripture accrewingunto it, as hath Afipba4.11a.8, been (hewed, meetly from its ;divine infpiration, and giving by the Holy .Ghofl for a Eule. measure, andftandard of faith and obedience .unto the Church, whatever advan- tage or, worth to commend it anywriting may have; Yet if it have not the pro- perties mentioned of Divine infpirationandConfirmation, ir'differs in thewhole kind and

Er le to the HEsRE Vs" S. and not in degrees only, from all thole that have them ; fo that it.can be no part regule, regulantir, but regulate at the belt, not having äunatsiar or aft =credihilizy on its own account, or áioevletav a fdf-firJ11cingAuthorit ; but is truth only materially by vertue of its Analogic unto that which is abfolutely, univerfally, and pettedly fò: And this was well obferved by Lindanus, Impio ( faith .he) fáorilegio fi contaminant, Lindan.panept. qui in firipturaruar chriftianarum corpore, ,qu.fdam quafr_gradus conantur locare, quodarnam Evanq, L 3i, eandemque 'Prints f nîti vocem, intpio brrmane fhrltitie diferniculo aardent in varier im-. ` ' 4 pares rliferpere, c:` dißturbare Autoritatis clafr They defile themilves with the impiety of Sacriledge, who endeavour to bring in a it were divers degrees into the body of the Scriptures ; for by the impious dJ retisn of humane folly, they would cart the one voice of the Holy Gbri into various forms of unequal Authority. As then whatever elf erertee there may be as to thefitbjeïi matter, manner of writing, and present ufefulne(s, be- tWeen any of the books that being written by divine infJiration are given out tor the Churches rule, they are all. equall as to their canonical authority, being equally in- recoiled in that which is the'formal reafn of it ; fo whatever.ufofulnefs or refpe&iu the. Church any other writing may have, they can no way give them any interef in that, whofe formal reafon they arenot concerned in.. Itithe f nfe explainedwe affirm the Epifile to the Hebrews to be Canonical, that is St 1. properly and ftridtly fo, and of the number of them which the Antients called, .yvrera va utony.a, xa3oo o,ì, ávaµelasxru, and ó(aoaoybp3,oa, everyway genuine and Catho- lick; In the confirmation whereof, we (hall firft :declare, by wham it bathbeen .oppo- fed or queltioned ; and thenwhat reafons they pretend for their fo doing ; which be- ing removed out of our wag, the arguments.whereby theTruth of our afCrtion is evinced, thail.be inl(tedon. We need not much infilt on their madnef who cf old with a facrilegious licenti 4, t r; oufitefs.rejeétedwhat portion of Scripture they pleafed. The Ebionites not only re- jeéted all the Epiftles of Paul, but alló reviled his perfòn as a Greek and an Apoftate, as Pesetas andEpipharrius inform us. Their folly and blafphemy was alto imitated ireneus hb, t ; and followedby the Hzlefcheitæ inEufeebiur, Maroion rejée`ded in particular thisEpiftle °'P ' to the.Hebrewr, and thofe alfo to Timothyand Titus, as Epipbaniur, and Hierome affttre Eptpban. Aar, us, who adds unto him Eaflideî. And Theodoret as to the Epiftleunto the Hbrews, Éufcbplibf6. joyns unto them, tome of the Arians a1(ó. Now though the fully of-thof Sacrilegious cap, 2.r. perlonsbe cafe tobe repelled as it is done byPewits Cluniaeufis, yet Hierome hath given EptGhanliarr us a fufhcient reafonwhy we fhould not fpendtime therein. Si guidon (faith he) red- 4i' `ail' 9' Herom, prat. doreur canter cur ear Apoftoli non partant, tentaremus: aliquid roJ ondere, & forfitanfatif- in corn, ad aciereleîiori ; minevero cum heretics autorttate pronunciant â dicunt, ilia Epiftola Pauli Taunt. elf, bee non eft, ea autoritate refeli fe,pro veritate ,intelligant, qua infi non etvtbef c falfa Theodor. ref; fimulare. Theydid not fo much as plead, or pretend any cáuf . or crafts for the m Ep.,adlieb. rcjedion of theirEpiiftles, but did it upon their own head and 'Authority, fo they Eetrm Peir. Y Y E rfla. Petra- delrvr neitheranfwer nor confederation. . 6?ufa, . It is of more .importance that this Epiftle was along time, though not rejelïedby; qt. r 2. yet not received in the Churchof Rome. Eufebius informs us, that Calms a Presbyter of Errfeb.lib. m. -that Church whom he much. commends for his learningand piety, admitted but of cGa+p.64eap thirteen EpifflesofS '. Pad, rejedting that unto the Hebrews; as Photiuraltoaffirms. And boriru ¿((ti- the fame Photiur acquaints us with the fameJudgement of Hippalitur another eminent bib. memberof that Church: Alga ( faith he) 8i áaa a i i riva'S tìxetro:as ),eíaopteta; öso Cid. 48. i areas . `Eßçzss A;sorñ éx n ax 'Aacgir., rleiSs. Among other things not exaelly anfwer, bad, tae. ing the truth, he Pith a j, that the Epiftleto the Hebrews was not Paula. AndEufbisat adds untohis informationof the Judgement of Calms, that it was not generally re- :ceived in the Churchof Rome in his. time. Neither is it any way acknowledged as S'. Purls by either Tertuüian, Cyprian, Laelentitts, or Macrobius. Yea thefame Euébiur Lib. ;. tap. 3. affirms that Come excepted agáinftit upon this account, becaufe it was o ofed, as Ept(i rm9. ad PP Commeur, none of S'. Paull in theRoman Church. Hierome grants that, Latinorum eon(uetudo non comment, ix recepir EpiJfrlamad Hebres.inter Canonical Soriptura. The cttlfome of the Latins, Ifa, cap. 8 f that is theRoman Church) did not receiveshis Epiftle among the CanonicalScriptures ; to cap. r. ad And fpeaking elfewhere of it, he adds the fame words, Licet earn latina con f uetuda EdccSteefri pror. inter Canonical Scriptural non; reeipiat. And elfewhere allo he confirms the fame Ratefraß. iá .Affertion. It cannot then be denied but that it was four hundred years at leali after caio. hi Maab, the writing of this Epifile before it was publickly received and avowed as Canonical eat s6, in bythe RomanChurch. Nor will the quotation of it by Hilary andAmbro e rove any Zob d cap, 8. general admiffion of it as frech, it being their cuflomenot toreftrain the Te(timoni s lida.de Cain. they:made life of unto Books abfohitelyCanonical. Earonius