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!4, Mefrsab, TheDedsverer from Evidl, &c. annointed with corporealOyk are called Annointed ones allo, Pfalm 105.v. rg. Now thisPromifed Seed, this Saviour or Deliverer, being appointed of God to perform his Walt inthe difeharge ofa TripleOffice , ofKing, Priejf, and Prophet unto his Sa- cred People, and being furnifhedwith thofe Gifts and Endowments which were fig- nified by theAnnointingOyle, is by an Antanomafia called the Meffiah. Or rut= to Meßiah the King. Dan. 9.25. 19.3 two, Mefsiah the Prince,Kuler, or Leader, and V. 26. n'NO,, Meßiah abfolutely. The Greeks render this name 0oweids,which twice occurs in theNewTeflament, where Perfons of the JewihFaith and Church, are in- troduced, exprefsing the Saviour they looked for , John .4 p. 4 0. 25. Otherwife theHoly, Penmen,conftantly call the famePerkin by another name of the fame lignification in the Language wherein they wrote, with rnwn in the Hebrew, xeiròs the Anointed One, Chrift. TheGreektcwehas and theLatin: Mefsiah feem ra- ther tobe taken immediately from the Cbaldee niriVO Meßicha than from the He- brew rntubMeßiaeb, and to come nearer unto it in found and Pronunciation. It is true, that the name is fömetimes applied untoprophane and wicked men with refpeá unto the Office or Workwhereunto they were of God defigned 5 as to Said, r Sam.. 24.17.7. andtó Cyrus, Ifaiab +5.v. s. And the Jews call the Prieft who was tofound thi Trumpet when the People went forth to`Battel, Deút. 20. v.8. rionh0 rssfl , the annointed unto theWar. But as was faid, it is applied by the way ofEminencyunto thepromfidSeed, untoothers by wayofAllufion, and with refpett unto their Office and prefent Work. Exercitat-