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Hui Promifes of the Ñlefsiah Vindicated. Meffiab the King. Theplace is not amifs applyed unto the Deliverance which they ¡hall One day have by the Meßiah , for it is to happen after the whole Cu,f of the Law is come upon them for their difobedience, and that they fhalL turn again unto the Lord by Repentance, v. I, 2. And whereas the words are doubled, they fuppofe them to intimate a double work of Deliverance ; one whereof they have commit- ted to Elias from Mal. 4. v. 5. who was to be, and was the fore- runner of the Meßiah. And theft are places in the Books ofMoles wherein they acknowledge that menti- on is made of the Meßiah ; For that way whereby the Church of old was principally inftruáed in his work and office, namely in the Sacrifices and Ceremonies of the Law, they know nothing of it ; nor (hall it here be inlifled on, feting it mull have fo large a place in the Expofition of theEpiffle its (elf: f. 14. 1 Sam. a. io. He(hall give Jirength unto his King, and exalt the horn of his aunoint- ed. Targ. e irrtu rti t° 11111, and he fhall exalt the Kingdom of bis Mefliab. In Midralh 7-dim alto on Pfalm75. they afcribe thisplace unto the Mph, and reckon his Horn as the tenth born of ftrength granted unto Ifrael. R. Levi Ben Gerfhom undertlands, -_by theKing in the firlt place, He /ball givefirength unto his King ; Saul, and by Mhfjiah in the.clofe of the words, David,who was to be annointea by Samuel the Son ofHanna whole words thefè are ; Kintchi applies the words to the Mfdah, whom as he f ijes, the intended by the Spirit of Prophefie; or (poke of fromTradition. And indeed the words teem directly to intend him. For by him alone loth the Lord judge the Ends of the Earth, and-he was the Anointed whofè Power he would fignally exalt. And I mention this place only as an inftanceof the Faith of the Church of old, who in all their mercies, nil] had a regard unto the Great Promifi of the Meßiah, which was the Fountain of them all. And therefore Hannahere clofeth her Prophetical Eulogie with her acknowledgement thereof, and faith therein. .§. 15; z Sam. z3. v. 3. a'r 1 '/N I 11 '/W1r3 7'1C X7155 ''1012.-.1, He that Ruleeh in man, juJf, Ruler, in or of, thefear of the Lord: Targ. Nri'w f21ri Nn'IJ 117 rita7n1 1n15 t1 tirl`7M1 ten tt' C7sp'11'r1v7 ; He faid he would appoint unto mea King, which is the Meffiab, who (ball arife and Rule in the fear of the Lord. And it refers this whole bit Prophetic of David, or his laff words , that he fpake by the infpiration of the Holy Ghoft, unto the dayes of the Meßiah ; whence it gives this 'Preface unto them ; Theft are the n'orde of the Prophefis of David, which he proph.fied concerning the End of the world, or for the end of the world, tstnt '1Oí7 , and the dayes of Confilation that were to come. Rab. Rajah, and Rath!, interpret the words of David himfelft andKim- chi alto, but he mentions the application of it to to the Mefliab, who was to come of David, whom God would raife up unto him, which he approveth of Chrillian Expofitors who follow the Jews , interpret thofe words 111 14 the rock oflf- rael fpake to me, by It), or T1141 X11 fpake concerning me, that is bySamuel who annointedme tobe King: Some, hefpake unto me by Nathan. Our Tranflatorr keep to the Letters he fpake unto me. And that alone anfwers unto the words of the Vcrfe foregoing ; The Spirit of the Lord, '1 1]1 fpake. in me , or to ene ; fo are the Revelations of God expreffed ; See Zech. 4.v. 1, 4. and it expreffeth the Communication of the mind of God , unto the Prophet esomvbsfa, and not his (peaking byhim unto others; And from theft verywords, '1 111 ri1M rill theJpi- rit of the Lord fpake in me, do the Jews take occafron to cad the writings of David, amongft thofe which they align unto that kind of Revelation which they call turpri Pita, or =aim, Books written by infpiration of the Holy Ghafi, The other words alto '3w1í Sÿ 11-1V 1, his word was in 'my tongue, maxaifeff that it is David himfelf that is fpokenunto, and not 9.f; in the third Verfi ; and therefore it is fome other who is Prophefied of byhim, namely the Mißiab. And this the words whereby he is dcfcribed do alto manifeft ; it1t31 t[tls1 ; Ruling in man; that is, faith Jarcbi, z=rita a15.2 1C2.27W =11V 1t¢ "ply) gt5 tD']: over -Ifrael who is called man; as it is faid, and ye thefiockofmy pajlure are men ; i=r Di ì=1íS. you are man. Buck. 34. a. But where the word Adam is ufed with this przfix 1 as here, it no where figuifies Ifrael; but is exprelly tied in a contradiftin&ion from them; as Jerem. 32. 20. which haft fit Signs and Wonders in the Landof Egypt, even unto this day ; i =11311 '7tS"W'11, and in Ifrael and in Adam, that is as we render it, amongj/ other men that are not Israel. So that if any efpecialfort of men are intended in this Exprefsion, itis not Ifatl, but other men. And indeed this word is commonly ufed to denotemankind in general ; as Gen. 6. v. 3. Chap. 9.v.6. Exod. S.18. Chap. 9.