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(canned them in a Scholafßical way, with °bjetlions and Solutions after their manner. Others had an efpecial defrgn unto the Places, whore fenfe i1 controverted amongfi the feveral Parties at variance in Chriflian Religion; all in their way and manner endeavouring to give light to the intentions of the Holy Ghnfl, either in particular paffages, or in the whole Eple. The helps and advantages in the invefligation of the mind of God, which by their labours might be obtained, I looked on as a great encouragement to undertake the fame work with them, and to promote the light of truth thereby. But on the other fide, no(mall ob- jeílion unto the whole work and deign did hence alfo arife. For it might Jean to Come altogether needled to ingage in that, which fa many had al- readygone through with to the great profit and edification of the church. Andnothing canor ought morejufly to weaken and take of the refolution of any in this kind ofendeavours, than that they are needle For what ever isfo, will afro thereby be ufelef, and becaufe of1eß, burthenfome. This confideration, I confefi, did for a' long time deter mefrom executing my purpofe, of calling my Mite into this Saniluarÿ. But yet after I had made a throughperufal of all the Comments, Expofitions, Annotations, or Obfervations on the Epiflle, which by any means I could obtain, I returned again upon fundry confiderations unto my former thoughts and refalutions. For,firfl, I found the excellencyof the Writing to befuch, the depths ofthe Myileries`contained in it to befa great, the compaf of the truth alerted unfolded andexplained fa extenkve and&Ned through the whole body of Chrian Religion, the ufefulnef äf the things delivered in it fo 'important, and indifenkbly neceffäry, as that I was quicklyfatisfied, that the Wífdom, Grace andTruth treafured in this fatted Store-houfe, arefo far from being exhaufled andfully drawn-forth by the endeavours ofany, or all that are gone before us, orfrom beingall perfeìly broughtforthto light by them, as that I wasaffisred that there was left afufficientground and foundation, not only for renewed invefligation after rich Branches inthis Mine for the prefent .Generation, butfin all thesis that fallfucceed unto the confummation of all things. For if wefind it thus inHumane Sciences, that no Ability, no Indu- ftry, no Combination of the ersof happy Witsfor their improvement informer Ages, bath precluded the way unto perfons of Ingenuity and Learning, to adde confiderably inféveral kinds unta their refetlive advancement ;norPall thefedultty of this prefent Age in the furtheranceand adorning ofthem, be ever able tobring-them unto any filch perfehlion, as to condemn fucceeding Generations unto theflothfulandfervile drudgery ofthe meer perufal of their Dillatesand Preferiptions, andfo by the ufe oftheir Inventions leave unto others only that of their memory ? how much more waft we grant the fame in things Divine, and the f iritual knowledge of them, wholeflares in this life are abfalittely inexhaufiible, and whofe depths arenot fully tobe fathomed. Again it is evident, that the principal things alerted and taught in this Epiflle, filch as is the Doctrineof thePerlon and the Priefthood of fefus Chrf, have received a more eager andfubtil oppofition, fine the laboursand endeavours ofthe moll in the Expofitionofit,than theyhaddone before. And as this renders the vindication ofthe places wherein they are taught and ofrted, neceffary, co it is not unknown unto thole whoareconverfant in thefe kinds offludies, what advantage may be obtained in the invefligation of truth by the oppofitien that is made unto it; efeeially when that Oppo- fition is managed with a curious fearch into every word andfyllable which may flew togive countenance untoit, as afo in thelifting of every tittle and