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Profifes if the Mefsiah' Vi#diedted. let/ tÖt what to fay, nor believe;.But let us feehow they acquit'themfelves at IA.in this matter. Four things are herepromifed concerning this Child, or Son that fhould be given $ 33 unto the Church. ( r. ) That the Government fhould be on his fhoulder. (a.) That hisname fhould be called Wonderful,Counfellor, the mighty God, the Everlaf}rrg Fa- ther, the Prince ofPeare. (3. ) That of the iricreaf of his Government there fhould be no end. ( 4. ) That he fhould f t on the Throneof David to order it for ever. And we may fee howwell they accommodate there things unto Hezckiah, their endeavours being evidentlyagain the Faithof the antient Church, the Traditions of their Fathers, and it may bedoubted their own light and conviérion. Firll, TheGovernment (hall be on his (boulder , faith Sol. Jarchi; Becatef the Rule -and yoke of God frail be upon him in the Jfudy of the Lam; This pleafeth not Kimchi (as it is indeed ridiculous ) and therefore he obferveth that mention is not made ofthe Shoulder; bat with reference untoBurden and weight ; whence he gives this in- terpretationof the words. "ON IC= `7L" 1i? D t/11 11t1RA 117t111 1119 rI'¡t 31M 19'1 rritDo t317It3 10717 59 111y'1!It be7 it ri tit +7 ; Becartfe Ahaz firved the King ofAffÿ- ria, and his burden was on his !boulder, he fayes of this Child, hefhall not be afrvant with bis fhoulder, but the Government fhall be on him. And this it teems is all that is here promifed ; and this is all the concernment of the Church in this Promu e s Hezekiah (hall not ferve the King of Afria. Neither is it true , that Abaz ferved the King of Affriaunder tribute ; and it may feem rather that Hezekiah did fo for feafon, fèeing it is exprelly Paid, that herebelled againft him, and ferved him no more: 2 Chran. 18.s. 7. Yea, plainly he did fo, and paid him by way of tribute, three bun- dred Talents of Silver, and thirty talents of Gold, 2 Kings 18. v. 14. So He. Aben Ezra paff°th over this exprellion without taking notice of it. Secondly, As to the name afcribed unto him, they are for themolt part agreed, and 3t. 34 tanlcfS that one evafon which theyhave fixedon, will relieve them, they are utterly filent ; Now this is, as was b, fore declared, that the words areto be read, The7Yon- defull Countllor, the mighty God, the Everlalling Father, (ball call his Name the Prince of Pease; fothat thePrince ofPeace only is the name of the promifed Child, all the tell are the Name of God. But ( 1.) Ifwords may be fo tran#ouid, and (hulled toge- ther, as they are toproduce this fenfe, therewill nothing be left certain in the Scrip, ture ; nor can they give any one inflame 'of filch a difßafál of words, as they fancy in this place. (2.) Thevery reading of the words rejeás this Glof?, He fhall call his Name Wonderftell ; (3.) It is the name of the Child, and not of God that gives him, which is expreffed for the comfort of the Church : (q.) What tolerable Rea- fou can begiven for fruh an accumulation ofNames unto God in this place ?' (5.) There is nothing in the leaft, notany difiinetive accent, to feparate between the Prince ofPeace, and the expeditions foregoing; but the famePerron is intendedby themall ; fo that it was not Hezekiah,'but the mighty God himfelf, who in the Perron of the Son was tobe incarnate, that is here fpoken of Betdes, onwhat account fhould Hezekiah fo eminently be called The Prince ofPeace? $, 35= 01`1U71ty. A Prince, is never ufed in the Scripturewith reference unto any thing, but he that is fo called, bath chiefPower and Authority over that whereof he is the 1ta Prince, Chief, or Captain ; as ttlg 197 is the General, or ChiefCommander ofthe Ar- my, under whole Cennmand, and at whOfe difpofal it. is. By the Greeksit isrendered ágxcm and dpxnya, ; as the Apoffle calls- our Lord Jefus Chriff ägxnydp 4 Aar 13.15. thePrince ofLife ; and ,ipxn1 òs 1 amrsplas, Heb. 2. v. 10. The Prince or Captain of Salvation. Not is the word once in the Old Teftament applied unto any one, but he that hadPower and Authority overthat which he was the'1U7, or Prince of, to give, grant, ordifpofe of it, as he thought meet; Andin what fenfe then can Hezekiahbe called thePrime of Peace ? Had he thePower of Peace of any fort in his hand? Was he the Lord 'of it ? Was it at his difpofal ? The mot of his reign he !pent in War ; fìrt withhis Neighbours the Philjffins, 2rfiings,18. V. S. And after- wards with the King ofAffyria; who took all the Cities of Jada, one or two only' ex- cepted, 2 Kluge 18. v. 13. And in what fenfe [hall he be called ihePrince of Peace ? TheRabbins, after their wonted manner to fetch any thing out of a word whether it be ought to their Purpofe orno anfwer, that it was becaufc of that raying, Ifa. 39. y, 8. For therefhal! be Peaceand Truth inmy layer. But this being fpokenwithrefpeá unto the very latter part of his Raign, and that only with reference unto the Baby- lonian Captivity which was afterwards toendue, is a Corry foundation to entitlehim P 2 unto'