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II<o Profiles of the 1Vleriah Vindicated. Text. For whereas theapplication of this Prophefie unto the Mefliah is perfectly de- (kudive to their whole prefent Petfwafion and Religion, with all the hopes they have in this world, or for another, yet they never durft attempt the corruptingofthe Targum where itis done, tó plainly ; which yet for many Generations they had in their own power, fcarce any notice being taken of it by any Chriffians in the world. But con- cerning this place we mull deal with them afterwards at large. . 44. Jenem. 23. v. 9. And I mill raifé unto David a Righteous Branch. Targum Np'1y1 ts1 tpt) 111 aTN,; andI will raiféupunto David Mßiab the Righteous. This is he who in the next Verfe is called Vp16 n1m Jehovah our Rightconfneß, The .7ems generally agree that it is the Mph who is here intended; and whereas a late Chri- filan Expofitor would have Zerubbabel to be defigned in theft words , Abarbinel felf, gives many reafons why it icannot be applyed unto any one under the Second Temple. For faith he,dutingthat fpace,noone reigned as King et the houle ofDavid, nor did Judahand Ifael dwell then infsfety and fecurity, they being continually oppref- fed, firff by the Per4anr, thenby theGrecians, and hilly, by the Romans. So He and truly and I fee ap Reafon, why one Ihould pervert the Promifes concerning the Me(3ialo, when they cannot tolerably accommodate then'. unto any other. For the Prefervation of the nameof thisRightar:er Branch, 1j1 n ti,, Jehovah our Righteoufnofi; wemay blots God for the Originel, For t:ocOld Translations are either in/flake/7, or corrupt, or perverted in this place. The Vulgar Latin is the bell of them which reads, Dominus juJ}ur nnjtec our Righteous Lard',' which yet corrupts thefente ; and gives us an exprethon, that may be afsigned unto any Righteous King. The LXX. far worlèt .è, 7hoa nt barn doso, s Iroseó=.x; And this is thenamo that the Lore (hall tail him Johdec. A corrupt word formed out of the two Hebrew words in the Original, fignifying nothing, but perverted as it were on párpofe to defpoil theMefias of his glorious name, the evidence of his etemal.Deity. Symmachus ;Mite dxaiwaov rïu>.a; Lord juffifie us ; He feems as one obferves to have read Virg i+t Pihel; but yet this alfo obfcures the Text. TheChaldce according unto itsulual manner, when any thingoccurs which its Au- thor underflood not, gives us a gloff of its own futticiently perverting the fenfe of the place. Irnara u tzip pi t.0 rant", let rigbteoulnefi some forth to us from before tbe Lord in bis clayey. Let them confider this inflance, which is but oneof ma- ny that maybe given, who are ready to defpife the Original Text , to .prefer Tranfla- tions before it, and to cherifh fufpicions of its being corrupted by the Jews,or of their arbitrary inventions of its Points or Vowelis, whereby the fenfé of the words is fixed and limited. Can there be any clearer acquitmeut of them in this matter, than this certain Obfervation ; that every place almoft which bears Teilitnony unto any thing concerning the Meat, which is denyed by them, is far more clear in the Original, than in any olelTranflation what ever. And hereof We have an eminent inflance in this place, where thisname denoting undeniably the Divine Natureof the Melhiah , is pre- fervcd entire only on the Original, and that as it is pointed, as fume fancy by fome Jewilb Mafàrites who lived they know not where, norwhen. And thofe amonglt our felves who are ready to give countenance unto loch Opinions, or to admire the pro- moters of them, may do well to confider what reflection they calf thereby on that Tranflation which is of ufe among us, by the CommandofAuthority; than which there is no one extant in the world, that is moreReligioúfly obfervant of the Hebrew Text, and that as pointed in their Bibles nor hath it any regard unto any, or all Tranflati- ens, where they differ from the Original, as may be feen with efpeciál refpedunto that of the LXX. the fiream that feeds moll of the refl, in above a thoufand places. But this by the way. One of late hath applyed this name unto the People of Ifrael; and interprets the words, Pews noble bene feels; God bath done well unto us. But we have had too much of filchbold and groundlefs conjectures about the fitndamentalls of our Faith and Wotfhip. The Jews leek to evade thisTeflimony, by inflances of the Applications of this name to other things ; as theAltar built by Moles , the Ark, and the City of Jeruf hem. But it is one thing tohave the name ofGod called on a place or thing to bring the otcafion of it unto remembrance; another to fay that this is the name of fuch a Perlon, Jehovah our Righteoufnefl. And whereas the Holy Ghoft (ayes exprefly fo ;t is e which his all name, con end for. Of the fame importancetwith this Prophefe is that of Eoek 37. v. 24 Jam.