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Appearances of the Son of god, ca Exercitatio X. Ends of the Promifs and Propheftes concerning the Miffiab. Other wayes of his Revela- tion. Of bis Oblation by Sacrifices. Of his Divine Perlon by Vifrons. What meant in the Targums by "7 1sriö tJ, the Word of God. The Expre(lion firfi ufed Gen. 3. 8. runt 71p, what or who. ó óyß. > í úva icu3 -. Apprehenfions of the Ancient yews about the Word pf God. Of the. Philpenphers: Application of the Expreflion, 7j,),(.?" ,a 6zê, to the Son byJohn. Expreflions of Philo. Among the Mahumetans, Chri(fcalled the WordofGod. Intention of the Targumifs vindicated. How the Voice. walked. Abeh Ezra refuted; and R. Joua. The appearance of the ficond Perfon unto earful Parents. Gen. 18. 1,-2, 3. Gods appearance íM1+71 =Tn. Suddennefl of it. Who appeared. The occafion cf it. Refle£tionofAben Ezra on Time Chrfilian Ex-, pofitors: retorted. A Trinity of Perfns not proved from this place. Diflinef Perfns proved. No createdAngel reprTenting the Perfán ofGod calledJehovah. Chap. 19.24. from the Lord. Exceptions of Abell Ezra and Jarchi removed. Appearance of theJi- cond Perin. Gen. 32. 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Occafion ofthis Villen. The Perf5n s in appearance a man : in Office, an Angel : in nature Gpd. Gen. 48. 16. Hof. 12. 3, 4, 5 paw what. Who it was that appeared. Exod. 3.2, 3, 4, 5, 6,14. God that appeared. Exod. 19.20, 21, 22. Who gave the Taw. Not a created Angel. The Minfitery of Angels how ufd therein. Exod. 23. 20, 21, 22, 23. Chap. 33. 2, 3, 4, 13, 14. Different Angels promifed. The Angel ofGods profenco who.- Jolla. 5. 13, 4,'15. Captain of the Lords heft, deeribed. Senfe of the Antient Churchconcern- ing theft Appearances. Of the Yews. Opinion of Nachmanides. Tanchuma. Tal- mud. Pinion of the Angell reitbled by Mofes, accepted by Jofhua. Sente of it. - Me- tatron. Who. Derivation of the Name. vvE E have feen hów pletìtifully God inftru6.hed the Church of old, bÿ his Prophets, in the knowledge of the Perlon, Office, and work of the McJrah. And this He did, partly, that nothing might be wanting unto theFaith and ConfolationofBelievers, in a fuitablenefs and proportion unto that condi- tion of Light and Grace wherein it was his good pleafure to keep them before his afual coming ; and partly, that his Righteous Judgements in the rejcdiou and ruine of those whoobftinately refilled him, might from the means of their convi&ion be juftified and rendered glorious. Neither were thefe Promill e and Predictions alone the means whereby God would manifeft and reveal him unto their faith. There are two things 'concerningthe Mph, which are the Pillars and Foundation of the Church. The-One is his Divine Nature ; and the other his Work of Mediation in the Atonement for fin, which he was tomake by his futfering, or the :Sacrifice of himfelf. For.the Declaration of thefe, unto them who - according unto the Promife looked for his coming, there were two efpecial wayes or means gracioully defigned ofGod. The latter of thefe wayes, was that Worfhip which he initituted, and the va- rióusSacrifices which he appointed to be obferved in the Church, as Types and Re- prefentations of that One Petfeft Oblation which he was to offer in the Fulnefs of time. The unfolding and particular application of this way of InllrsOtion, is the principal defigu and fcope of the Apo tle in his Epifle unto the Hebrews. Whereas therefore that muff be at large inflted on in our Expofition of that Epfflle, I (hall not anticipate what is to be fpokeu concerning it in thefe previous Difcourfcs, which are all intended in a fubfervieiacy thereunto. The other way which concernshis Divine Perin, was by thole Vifions and Appearances of theSon of God as the Head of the Church, which were granted unto the Fathers under the OldTelament.' And thefe as they are direFrly tinted unto our Purpofe, in our enquiry after the Prognsjlicks of the Advent of the Meffiab, fo are they eminently ufefull for the couviFtionof the Jews, For in them, we Gall manifeft that a Revelation was made of a di¡tin& Perlin in the Deity, who in a peculiar manner did marnage all theconcernments of the Church at- Q. ter-