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128 The Faith of the tintient Churchof the 7evs Dan. 9. v. z6. that he thall be pierced in his brands and Feet, PEIIm22. V. 10.. flain by thO fword of God, Zech. 13.11.7.. and that in his death he thall have his grave made anloing the wicked and with the rich, ¡Ji. 53. v. 9. Allò, That he fhall come with great Glory, and the clouds ofHeaven, Dan, 7. V. 13, 14. and that he (hall conic lowly, riding on an Aje, and a Colt the Foal of an Aß, Zech. 9. v.9. That the [eul of the Lord was well pleafid with him and alwayes delighted in him, Ifà. 42.v. r. and yet, that it pleafid bin to bruife him and put him .to grief; ifa. 53. y. lo. to firfeke him, Pfalm 22. v. r. That hewas to bea'King midaPrieff upon his Throne, Zech. 6. v. 23. and yet' there things were inconhftent, the Kingdom being annexed unto thefamily of David, and the Priegt- hoodto thePofterity ofAaron by Divine Conllitution. That he fhould be honoured and worfhipped of all Nations,. PJal.45.e. r r, 12: Pfal. 72. v. ro, rI, r 5. and yet that he fhould be rejetied and defjifed as one altogether undelirable, Ifa. 53. v. 3. That he fhould ¡land and' feed, or Rule in the Name and Maje ¡{y ofGod, Micah 5. v. 4. and yet complains, I am a worm and no man, a reproach of Meng and defjifëd of the People, Ffal. 22. V. 6. All which, with fundry others of the like nature concerninghis Office and Work, are clearly reconciled in the New Tejtament, and their concurrence in the Per- fon ofour Lord Jefus Chrift openly and fully declared. Q. to. At the timeof his coming, the gems were generally as ignorant of their things, as Nicodemus was of Regeneration; they knew not how they might be. And therefore when everour Saviour intimated unto them his Divine Nature, they were filled with rage and madnefs, John 8.v. 58, S9. They wouldlime him besaufe being a man, he declaredhimflf to be God: Sohn ao. v. 30, 31, 33. and yet, when he proved it to theta that the Mefab was to be fo, inafmuch as that being David,. Son, yet David in Spirit calledhim Lord, they were confounded, not being able to anfwer him a word ; Mattb. 22. V. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46. when he told them, that the Son ófMan the Mrßiáh mutt he lifted up, that is in his death on the Crofs, they obj,_éted untohim out of the Law, that aril!. abideth for ever. yohn rz.v. 34. and they knew not how to reconcile there things. Hence fomeof his own Dif iples thought he could not be the Meßiah when they faw that he dyed, Luke 24. v. 20, 2i. and the b, ft of them feemed tó have expeéted an outward temporal Kingdom. But of all thefedifficulties, as was Lidand fecming in- eonfJlencier, there is a bleffed Reconciliation revealed in the GoJßei, and an Application mad, of them to tile Perron of the Lord Jefias, the Office hebare, and the Work that he aceomplifhed. This the Jews refufug by unbelief, they have invented many fond and lewd imaginations to free themfelves from thofe difficulties and entanglements. Some things they deny to be fpoken concerning the Mfish s (bine things they wreft and pervert to their own apprèhcnlions, and somewhat they allow and look for, that is truly promifed. Fitft,For his Perjon and the things fpoken concerning it, they apply thereunto the Principal Engine which they have invented for their relief For whereas the Scrip- ture bath declared unto us fuch a Mefflab, as lhould have the natures of God and man in one Perron, which Perron fhould in the nature of man fuffer and dye , and reign for fpiritual ends and purpofes; they have rejeéted the Divine Nature of this Perlon, and fplit that which remaineth, into two Perfins, to the one whereof they afsign one part ofhis wórk, as to Jirrow, fuffer, and dye, to the other, another part, namely to Conquer, Rule and Reign according unto their carnal 1lppreheniioos of there things. They have,I fay, feigned two Meßiah's between whom they have diftributed the whole Work of him that is promifed, according unto their underftanding of it. And one of there , is to cone, as they fay , before the other, to prepare his way for him. This firft they call Mefliah Ben Jofiph, besaufe he is to be of the Tribe of Ephraim; the other Meßiah Ben David, of whom afterwards. Bothof them are mentioned to gether in the Targum on Cant. 4. 5. MIMI 111 j1 mum inp't9r24 rpm rope tin , i +19N p; Thy two Deliverers which fha!l deliver thee, Meßiah the. Son of David, and Mßiah the Son ofEphraim ; are like toMoles and Aaron. The fame words are re- peated. again, Chap. 7. v. 3. And in thofe places alone in the whole féries ofTargtimr, is there any mention of this füfitions Meßiah; the Author of that Paraphrafe on the Canticles being Joreephus. Cecil:, who lived after the finífhing of the Tarsusts where- of he maketh mention. In other parts of the Targum he appeareth not. But in the Talmud he is frequently brought on the Stage. SoTraitat.deFeltoTaberntent. DiJfinti. Hachalil Chamefha. It is a Tradition ofour Mailers, that the Holy Bled God (mall fayunto Mfliah the Son ofDavidwho fhatl redeem trs, ( let /aim do it fisddainly in our dayer) ask imewhat Íj