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138 The Faithof the Antient Churchof the la's minds, in their Notions about the Meffiab. And this theyare filledwithall 'upon -a twofold account. Firff, Upon that of the Spiritual Priviledges which they faw, claimed by them. That the Gentiles; or Nations of the Earth diftin& from Ifrae, Gould be Fellow -Heirs in thePromifewith thePofterity ofAbraham according unto the fiefh, was declared by all the Prophets of old. But yet, as we have fhewed, this was done by them in that obfcure manner, in comparifon of the Revelation made of it in the Gofpel, that the Grace and Counfel ofGod therein is called a M }flerie bid from the Ages that went be- fire. Wherefore when this Defign of the Love and Wifdom of God was brought to Light, it filled the Jews who had kill the faith of it with Envy and Wrath. See Afis 13. v. 45, 46, 47, 50. Chap. 22.v.21,22,23. t Thee: 2. V. 15, 16. The Storiesofall Ages from thence unto this Day_telfifie the fame, nor do they yet flick to exprefs theft corrupt Affeï!ions, as oceation is offered. And this Envy being greatly predominant in them hardens them in their imagination of fuch a Me1Jah, as by whom the Gentiles may receive no Benefit , but what may accrue unto them by becoming their Servants. They cannot endure to hear unto this Day that the Gentiles Gould be equal (haters with themfelves in the Promife of the Mph. They would have him unto themfelves alone , or not at all. And this keeps up their Deflect and Expedations of fuch an one as they have fancied for their own Ends and Purpofes. 4. 29. Again, Their Envy againft the Gentiles is greatly incrcafcd and excited by the Op- pre`fons andSufferings from them which they undergoe. This adds hatred and delire of Revengeunto' it, which render it impotent and unruly. I fpcale not now of their prefent andpaf fufferings from Chritiians , which in many places have been un- righteous and inhumane, and fo undoubtedly a great occalion of hardning them. in their obffìnacÿ, but of their long continued opprefonr under the Power of the Gen- tiles in general. Having been greatly harrafed and wafted by them in molt Ages, and having a Deliverer promifed unto them, theyare ftrongly Inclined to fancy fetch a Deliverance as being peculiarly theirs , Gould enable them toavenge themfelves on theirOld Enemies and.Oppreffors. And this they thinkmuli be done, not by an Heavenly Spiritual King, ruling in the things concerning Religionand the Worfhip of God, but by one that having a mighty Kingdom in this world , Gall by free and Power dibdue their Enemies tinder them. Such an one therefore they defier and look for ; and how hard it is for them todepofe thefe thoughts unlefs they are freed by the Grace ofGod from the carnal Affiliions mentioned, is not hard to ghee. And thefe are Come of thofe efpecial occalons whereby the Jews through their own blindnefs arehardened in their unbelief, and difobedience unto the Gofpel, whereunto others of the like kind may be added. Ç. 3o. This is the Faith and Expetation of the prefint Jews all the world over con- cerning the Mefah in whom they place' their Confidence. A meet manhe is to be; a King over the Jews at Jerufalem , who Gall conquer many Nations, and fo give Peace, Profperity and Plenty unto all the Ifraelites in their own Land. But what great matter is in all this ? Have not other men done as much or more for their Ci- tizens and People? Can they fancy that their Mefah Gould be more viétorious or fuccefsfull then Alexander? they darenot hope it. At a Difputation before the Pope and Cardinals at Rome which they have recorded in Shebat f ehuda, they openlypro- feffed that they never expeéted fo great glory by their Mefflab , as that which they law them attended withal]. AndManafh confetfeth that it is no great or extraor- dinary matter which they looked for by him. De Refur. lib. 2. cap. as. Non eft, fàith he, tantum miraculum fi Mefar venial fùbjugatum regna fibi & imperia multa, cum non raro aceidi videamus ut humiles aliqui abjeflique ad regna ¢ imperia pervene- tint, terrarumque multarum Domini fierent. It is no fach Miracle that the Meffiahfhould come and fubdue many Kingdoms and Empires unto himfelf, feeing it often falls out that men of mean and ábjcl condition, do come unto Kingdoms and Empires, and are made Lords of many Countreys. It is fo indeed ; they fay nothing of him , but what may be parálelled in the Stories of the Nations of the world, efpecially confidering the Gortnefs of his reign which they begin to think (hall not be above for years. Q, 3 t, But do there things anfwer the Promifis made concerning him from the founda- tioII