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156 Te/iimonies proving the Mefiah to be owe. by force and power. v. 23. Betides this outward ogpofition, they were moreover greatly difcouraged by their own paverty and ditability for the carrying on their defignedwork in any meafure, fo as toanfwer the beauty" and glory of their former Houfe bnilded by Solömon. Hence the Elders of the people whohad Een the former Houfe in its glory, wept with a loud voice when theylfaw the foundationsof this'laid, Ezra 4. 12, 13. AS fore- feeing how much the fplendor and beauty of their Wor- fhip would be ecclipfe:d and impaired : for as the meafures of the Fabrick it feif af- figned unto it by Cyrus, Ezra. 6. 3. did no way anfwerSolomon StruOure, fo for the Ornaments of itwherein.its magnificence did principally confill ;- theyhad nomeans or ability to make any provifion of them. Being therefore thus hindered, and dii couraged, the work ceafed wholly from the end of "Cyrus Reign, unto the fecond year of Darius Hyfiiages. For there is no rcafoir to fuppofe that this intercilion of the work continued unto the Reign of Darius Nothus': Between .the firer Year of the whole EmpireofCyrue,to the fecondOf Darius Ndthus ;. there were milers thena hun- dred years as we [hall"afterwards declare. Now it is evident in Ezra, that Zerub; babel anef Johuab, who began the work in the Reign of Cyrus, were alive, and carried it on in the dayes ofDarius. And it is fcarcelycredible, that they who it may be were none of the youngeft men, when they hrtl returned unto Jerufirlem, fhould live there an hundree[ years, and then return unto the work again. Outward force and Oppo- fition then they were delivered from; in the fecond year ofDariusHyffiages. But their difcouragements from their poverty and dilability f1í11 continued. This the Prophet intimates, v. 4. Who is there 'left amongyou, who pro this Houfi in its firff glory,, and what do you nowfee it? hit not as nothing in jour eyes.? There is no neceflity ofreading the words with a fuppolition ; As Sealiger eontends, if there were any among(i you who had fen. For it is much more likely, that (blue who had feeri the former Hnuf¢ofSo- lomon, and wept at the laying of the foundationof this in the dayes ofCyrxs, fhould now fee the carrying of it on in the fecondyear of Darius Hjitiages, that is about . tenor twelve years after, thenthat thofe who began the work in the Reign ofCyrxs, fhould live to perfect it in the fecond year of DariusNotions an hundred years after. However it isevident that theold difcouragement was frill prefliug upon them. The former Haufewas Glorious and Magnificent, Famous andRenowned inthe world : and full of comfort unto them, from thevifible pledges ofthe prefence of God that were therein. To remove this' difcouragement, and to fupport them under it, the Lord by this Prophet makes them aPromife, that whatever the fireightnefs and poverty of the houfe were which theyundertook to build : however (hors it cameof the glory of that of old,'yet fromwhat he hitinfelf would 'do, he would render that Houle far more glorious then the former ; namely,by doing that in it, for which both itand theformer were inftituted and erec`bed. Saith he, 1ltfmr1n 1011171N77ICItl)37 itaD runt tTru, The glory of this latter houfe,Pall be great above that of theformer. To clear our Argu- ment intended from there words we mull confider (r.) What was this latter Houfe.we fpoke of; (z.) Wherein the Gloryof it didconfift. Sf, Fitt', We are to enquire what Houfe it is whereof'the Prophet fpGaks, now this is moll evident in the Context. ThisHorife, faith ire,. 0.4. that your eyes lookupon, and Which-you fo much defpife in comparifon of the former. And v. S. I will fill, faith the Lord, r it 1 rc ri, this Houfe which youare now finithing,withglory. And v. g. it is called 111I1Nri run Han, this latter Houfe. The Prophet dothas it were, point to it with his finger. This Houtz that you and I are looking upon, this jloufe which is fo contemptible in your eyes, in comparifon with that of Solomon which you have either feenor read of, this Houle (hall be filledwith glory. It is true, this Temple was three hundredyears" after re,edified by Herod-in the eighteenth year of his Reign ; whichyet hinderednot, but that itwas frill the fame Temple. For this firft Strudfure was never detlroyed, nor the materials of it at. once taken down. But notwithftand- ing thereparation of itbyHerod, it trill continued the one and the.fameHoufe, though much enlarged and beautified by him.. And therefore the Jews in the dayes of our Saviour,overlooked. as it werethe re-edification of theTempleby Herod, and affirm, that that Houk which then flood, was forty ,fix years in building, John z. zó. as they fuppofed it to havebeen upon the firfi return fromCaptivity; when the whole work and building of Herodwas finifhed within the fpaceofeight years. The Tarpon alto of Jonathan, Aben Ezra, and Kimrhi and others'interpret the words of that Houle- which was then building by Zerubbabel and Jofbua, . nor do any of the Antieut Jews diffent. 4barbinel