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164 Te/amonaer pro ang the Itlefsiah to be come. But unto theirChurch and Faith, all Nations were converted. But he mil-lakes, and confounds things; asall of themconfeantly do, in their' Difputations againfi Chrihi- ans. We contend not, that it is the Chri ¡}ian Church, that 1s here intended by the Houfe, that Glory was to come unto. Only we fay, that he to whom tine Nations orGentiles were to be gathered, whom they were fhaken and furred up to receive; did actually comeunto the Temple e Jerufalem, and thereby gave it a greater Glory then what ever the Temple of Solomon received. This Srft Circumfpuce then clears our intuition from this Text. $ e3 Thefè. fón wherdn the promifed glory was tobe brought in, ,is next noted in the Context. It is exprefTed r. 6. tint zytn ntts 1ty, The jaws generally refer thefe words, unto the Rule or Kingdom of the Hafinoneans, under whom the people were to.cnjoy their liberty , which is faid to be a little fafon, as continuing fèventy or eighty years : For it is laid to be list /e, hecaufe they had but a Jinall Dominion in comparifon df their former Kingdom and Empire. But it is evident from the Con- text, that theProphet had no rcfpe¿t unto Kuie or Dominion in ,thefe words. For what ever is intended in this Exprefsioo, it luth a direct and immediate influence into the bringirig in of the delire of all Nations, and the glory promifed , which the Rule of the HaJinonsans reached not unto. Our Aponte, Heb. 12: 24. renders thefe words rrr1tQ 11v literally and properly. 47t áweeg, yet more once , or yet once more. God had before done Tome work, whereunto that which he prómifed now to do is compared. Such a eoseuffion of all things had been before ; and this as is evident from v. q. was the work that he wrought at thegiving of the Lam, and the ereétion of the 3udaical Church, State and Ordinances. In anfwer hereunto, he would bring in the everlaffing Kingdom of the Mph and the fpiritual Worfhip to be celebrated therein, the Old Church-State of the Jews in this fhaking of all things being removed and taken away. And this plainly is evinced from the comparifon that God makes between the work here promifed, and thatwhich he wrought when he covenanted with the peo- ple upon their coming up out of .Egypt. Concerning the workwhich God will thus do ; once more, it is Paid to be ID IO 119, a little while, that is , ere it be accom- plifhed : It is not the nature, or quality of the work ; but the fafm or time wherein it than be wrought, that is denoted in thefe words : In that fcnfe is tCp often ufed in the Scripture, as we prove elfewhere. As the fame work, Mal. d. r. is promifed to be done 1=Ni19 , fuddenly , gaudily. It is then foretold, that it Mould be but a little Jface of time before this work fhould be wrought. And hence Abarbinel would prove , that it cannot refpeót the coming of our Mef iah, which was about four hundred years after. But this feafon is not called a little while abfólurely, but with refpeét unto the former duration of the people , or Church of the Jews , either from the calling of Abraham , or the giving of the Law by Mofe. And this fpace of four hundred years is but a little in comparifon thereof ; and is fo termed , to fin up Believers unto a continual expedtatiou of ir, and delire after it ; It being now nearerunto them, then unto their Fore- fathers , who beheld the time of its performance , a very great may off And this alfo ferves for the conviction of the Jews for whereas their fore-fathers of old did confefs, and themfelves at prefent cannot with any modefty deny, but that the Meffiah is here intended, whom they fuppofe not yet to he come, how can 'this fpace of time from the days of Haggai in any fettle be called a little while, fixing it far exceeds all the fpace oftime that went 'before, from theCall of Abraham, which is the tìrtl Epocha of their priviledge and claim. $. 24. The late circumftance contributing light unto our interpretation of this place, is taken from the event , or the canting of the defire of all Nations, and the glory of the fecond Houfe enfuing thereon, fn thefe words; rt.: min 1 =1T,m11; and in this place I will givepeace, faith the Lord of Hods. From thefe words Abar= binel Peeks to overthrow our Expoftiou, by this place, faith he, is intended Jerufa- fern. Well let that be granted , what will thence enfite ? Why faith he, L7lrtn Mr! O1ItP1r i1`1tt) rity t`7 Ortrttö 1`711W ; Behold from the day that the McJrah was born, there was no Peace in Jerufalem, but Wars, Deftritelion, andDefolation. We lay then, that by Peace, here, mull be underiood either outward, Temporal, Worldly Peace, or Spiritual Peace between God and man, between Jews and Gentiles in their joint communion in the fame Worthip of God. If they fay the former was intended, I defire to knowwhen this promife was accomplifhed under the fecondTemple? before the