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168 Teflimonaes proving the Meliah to be come. of all Nations, the Lord whom the Jews fought , the Meffinger by whom the New Covenant was to be ratified ; that is, the Lord the M,fab was to come, andhe did come unto that Temple. 4. 26. And here the Jews are at an endof all files and evafions. It cannot be avoid- cd but the Mefiah mull be here intended ; Rafhi would tain yet evade ; the Lord whom ye feek, that is taw rt ' i Th , the God of Judgement : becaufe they had hid before, Chap. 2. 17. Where is the God of Judgement i' Vain -man, thefe words which he himfelf had but jail before interpreted , ro be the Atbeìftical Expreflion of wicked men quefiioning the Judgement ofGod, are now to rave his turn, an carnal defire of Itching after the Lord , which in thefe words is evidently fee forth the Lord whom ye feek, the Angel of the Covenant whom ye delight in for both theft are the lame, as Aben Ezra acknowledgeth, 2,217 1117í1 2. 21;1 /mot '1193 1]pta 1 +a man -p t , The Lord be is the Glory, and the Angel of the Co- venant, the fame things being intended' under a double 'expreffion. And it is evident whom he intends thereby, by his interpreting the Meffenger to be Pent before him, to be Meffiab Ben Jofepb , whom they make the ,forerunner of Me ah' Ben David. ICimcbi interprets the Angel to be fent before him , the Angel ofGods pretence from Heaven, to lead the people out of their Captivity, as of old he went before them in the WilderneE when they came out of Aigypt. But we are ,jretter taught, who this Me(nger was , Matth. t r. to. Mark t. z. As for the Lord whom they fought , he fpeaks plainly , Minn itiLto 1,m t n+oor: -pc N111 ;' This is the King the Mejrah, and this the Angel of the Covenant ; he adds indeed the old Sto- ry about Elijah , and his zeal for the Covenant : whence he had the honour to prefide at Circumcifton, to fee the Covenant obfetved, and may be thence called the Angel of the Covenant. But it is plain in the words, and confeffed by Abets Ezra, that the Lord whom they fought, and the Angel of the Covenant are the fame. And as to thefe words , 1'777 7N N1+ =littl9, he (hall come fisddenlly unto his Temple , he adds in their Explication; 1901 1N3I1) N71 uprt .Nl-w. +9t7 tin) 12¢11 Oita Mt t?1N ÿ'' .N'lW tt3+ 1= mrio +7 10N 17bon, besaufe she time of the end it not revealed nor unfolded in the Book of Daniel. It is faid he ;hall come fuddenly, becaufe there is no man that knows the day of his coming beforebe came. We grant that the precifeday of his coming, was not known before he came ; but that the time of it was foretold, limited and unfolded in the Book of Daniel, fo far as the feafon and age of it wouldadmit, was made evident, all future cape- elation declared to be void, and that in the Book of Daniel, we (hall immediately demonftrate. At prefent we have proved , and find that they cannot deny, but, thathe was to come unto thefecond Temple, while([ it was yet ftanding. 4.27. Once more we may yet add the content ofothers of their Mailers belides there Expofitors. Sonic Teftimonies out of their Dollars are Citedby others ; I (hall only name one or two of them in Talmud it'felf, Traílat. ganed. cat. ti. the ap- plication of this place of Haggai unto the Meffiah, is afcribed unto Rabbi Akiya, his words as they report them, are 'Mt 2.207 4N`pn+4 t =ity Tr1N 1127 01)0 mow tia+' i7, a littleglory will I give unto Ifrael , and then the Meffiah fliall come. And this man of fo great repute among them , that Rabbi Eleazar affirms that, tt1W +07n 117, all the wile men of Ifrael were dike a little Garlick in comparifon of that baldRabbi. This then istheir own avow'd Tradition, and the other place of Malachi, concerning the Angel of the Covenant, is expounded of the Mefliah by Rainbain in a +770 fl174n; in the dayer, faith he, of the Mefliah, the Children of Ifrael (hall be reforedunto their Genealogies, by the Holy Ghoft, thatfhall refupon him, as it is laid, Behold, I fend my Melnger before, me, and the Lord whomye feek fhall come unto his Temple. We have then found out both from the clear words of both there Próphefies, and the confeent of. the Jews themfelves, who it is that is here promifed in them, that he fhould come tohis Temple. 4, z$, This is the glory of thefond houti promifed in Haggai, The end of the Temple, andof all the glory of it , and all the Wor(hip performed in it , was to prefigure the promifed feed, whowas the true and only fubltantial glory of them, all, and of the people to whom they were committed ; for he was to be a Light to light the Gen- tiles, and the glory of bis people Ifrael. Therefore in all the Worfhip of theTemple, thofe who believed, and in the ufe of theOrdinances of it, faw unto the end of their inftitution, did continually exercife faith on his coming, and earneftly defire the accomplifhmeíit