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17S- theProphecy ofDaniel concerning the .Mefaiah earthfhpuldbe bleed. Untill this was accomplified, it was impo(fible from the Decree and Fromileof God, thatthey should fall under an utter rejeetion, or final defola- tion. But this is plainly foretold, as that which fhould conic to pars at the endof the time here determined, or ihilantly upon it. 1:31DptW 41/1 r111301 nut m1í7, ¡=CM t,p -inn nrirut i I17 ,yl molt, He (hall castle the Oblation and Sacrifice to ceafi : that is utterly and everlaltingly, puttingthereby a period and final end unto their ChurchState and Worfhip.' But what then (hallbecome of thepeople ? By. a Wing of abominations he fhall make them depilate ; or caufe them to be walled and hid defolate, by overfpreadingArmies, either in themfelves abominable, orabhorred by them. And in both there fenfes were the Roman Armies, t=Tipp in, a Wing. of Abominations. Neither was this to endure for a feafon only, but unto a confumma- tion of the whole, v. 27. Now it was inconfiftent with all the Prom.ifes of God, and the foleend of his wifdom, in all that he had to do with that people, that this defolation thould happen before the produt`,hion of the Me(liah. It being therefore exprefly laid in the Text, that the Mellish (hould come before all this were accom- plifhed, who can be intended thereby, but hewho *as promifed unto theFathersfrom the foundationof the world. Secondly, This whole Revelation was granted unto Daniel for his relief in the profpc h.that he hadof the enfuing calamities of the Church ; and recorded by him for. thefupportment thereof in thofe diftreffes, as were alfo thole PropheciesofHaggai and Malachi before infifted on. Now the only general Promife, which God fdr the confolation ofhis Church of old renewed unto them in all Ages, was this concerning the Mefliah, wherein all their bleffednefs wasenwrapped. This we have already ma- riifefted fromMofer and all theProphets, who enfued in their feveral Generations. And he is therefore here no lets intended. Thirdly, What ever$enelit,Priviledgeor Advantage the Church had any ground or Reafon to expedtfrom thePromifes ofGod at the coming of theMeflub, they areall here expreffed, as we thall immediately declare. And we may truly fay, that if the things mentioned, v.24. were to bewrought by any other thentheMefliah, theChurch had much more reafon to delirehim,_ then the Meßiahhimfelf, as for any other work which remained for him to do. Fourthly, Unlefs theMeßiah and his bltffed workbe here intended, there is not one word of comfort or relief unto theChurch in this whole Prophecy. For thofewho deny his coming .hereto be foretold, are forced violently to wreft the expreffions sa v. 24. unto things utterly alien and forrtiign from the plain and only fìgnification of the words. And how inconfitlent this is with the deignof this Angelical meffage, we have before manifetted. The context therefore evidently befpeaks the true Meßiab to be here intended. 4, z$, Secondly, TheNames andTitles given unto theperfon fpoken of, declare who he is that is deigned. He is called film, Mefliah, and that xa)'iEoxlr, by way of emi- nency, and abfolutely. Indeed the-very name of the Mefliah as appropriated unto thepromifed feed, is takenfrom this place alone; for,it is no where elfe ufed ofhim abfolutely. His Mefliah, or the Meßiah of the Lord, that is his anpointed isoften ufed ; but abfolutely THE ME SS I AH, here only. And it is not probable, that the name being ufedbut once abfolutely in the Scripture, any other (horrid be int id. ed but he alone whole" name abfolutely alone it is. The name therefore fufficiently de- notes thePerron. . The addition of TD3, v. 25. i'33 rnton, alkali the Prince, makes it yet more evi- dent. For as this word is often ufed to denote a Ste/yearn Ruler, one that goeth in and out before the people, in Rule and Government, as a Sam.7. 8. rKings s. v.35 r Kings r4. v. y. and in fundry other places, fo it is peculiarly atfigned unto the Meßiah, Ifa. 55. v. 4. 1:31DN't J111t1 i +13 1 +nn 5='0ä5 Ip pi ; Behold, I have given hima Witneß unto the people , a Leader , (or Prince) and Commander unto the people. And thofe words are thus Paraphrafedby Jonathan; y ml`m.) ;IT= N'COO n 5531 Ltr117tir3'7 a Behold, ¡have appointedhim aPrince to the people; a King, and Rulerover all Kingdoms. This is 1'3.]Y h+II70, Meßiah, the Prince, Leader, or Ruler over all. And `p).) is the fame with 113D1í0, Mich. 5. v. i. the Ruler ; and t ipi, Eeelt 34.0. 23, the Shepheard; and Lt'tD3, the Prince, or j1124, Mal. g. r. the Lord. And to afcribe this name of i+I3 rnw , Meßiah the Prince abfolutely unto any but the promifed feed, is contrary to the whole tenour ofthe Old Teltament. Moreover,he is called, v. 24. C=lump twiip, the Holieft of Holies; the Moft Holy; Sanïtitas