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Explained and Vindicated. They had all of them refpeétunto the coming of thc;Jnf} One, thepromiEed reed. God had fpoken of himbythe mouths of his Holy Pròphhts from the. foundation of the world. In the bringing of him forth, hefluted the Truth of their Predi&ions by their actual accompli(hment. TheLam and the Prophets were untill fnhn, and then they were to befulfilled. This was the feafon wherein all Vifok and Prophecy centred ; this the Perfon who was the principal fubjec} and End of -them ; He theréfòre and his coining is here foretold. (2. ) To foal , is to f nifh , conclude, and put an endunto any thing : fai. 29. v. 11. Thus alfo wereVifion and`Prophecy then foaled among the Jews. They were (hut up and finifhed. The Priviledge, Ufe, and Benefit of them; were riomore to becontinued in their Church. And this alfo.fell out ac- cordingly. By their own confeffion, from that day to this, they have not enjoyed either Gifón or Prophet. That work, as unto them came wholly toan end in the coming of the Mellish. (3. ) ByPealing the confirmation of the Doctrine concern- ing the Mfliah, his Perron; and Office byViftòn and Prophecy may be intended. TheYi- fions and Prophecies that went before by reafon oftheir darknefs'and obfcurity, left the people in Guidry particulars at great uncertainty. Now all things were cleared and confirmed. The Spirit cfProphecy accompanying the Mefiiah, and by him givenun- tohis Difciples foretold by f oel, Chap. 2: v. 28, 29. was in hit Revelationsexprefs, clear and evident, directing unto and confirming every thing belonging unto his Perlon and Doófrine. Neither had thefe words anyother accomplifhment but what is con- tained in thefe things. Sixthly, It is affirmed, that rizo mat; McJ1iah fhal) be cut off: Not, occidetur (hall be Hain,- as the Vulgar Latin renders the word, but excidetur; (hall be cut off, that is, penally, as one punifhed for fin. For the word MD, when it includes death, confiant- ly denotes a penal excifion, or cuttingoff for fin. See Gen. 57. v.14. Exod. 22. n. í 5. Numb. 55.v. 3o. This the Jews themfelves acknowledge to be. the meaning of the Word. So Rab. Suadiac Gaon inHaemtineth, cap. 8. rum s ;ur ri wrgo ma, Mai; ï117r 1r57D2 7 1C24t.v 1n7.ir11 +row rn 1) t=N'r7 mntv7. It is not ufed forflaying; ante'?it be of him, who is 'fain ly the fentence ofthe fudge, ( or is judicially cut off) as it isfaid, every one that eats of it fhall be cut off, Levit. 57. v. 14. It is then foretold, that the Moßiah (hall be cut fi' pcenally for fin ; which he was when he was made a curie for tin, all our iniquities meeting upon him. And this alto is intimated in the enfuing particles, 1`7 Tim, and not to him. For aft Objeflion is prevented that Haight arife about the pondexcifion of the Meiiah, for how could. it be, feeinghe was every way JuR and' Righteous. To this it is an(wered by way of concefhon, that itwas not on his own account, not for himfelf, but for us; as is at large declared, Ifa. 51. Or 1t/ jrN, not to him, may be a farther declarationof ofhis ftate and condition ; namely, that notwithstanding thofe carnal Apprehenfions which the Pews would have of his Outward Splendour, Glory, Wealth and Riches, yet in Truth he Mouldhave nothing in' orof this world, none to Rand up for him; not where to lay bis bead.. And .this is that parr of the Prophecy, for the fake whereof the Jews do fo pertinacioufly contend, that the true Mefiah is not here intended. For, fay they, he (hall nett be papally cut of But who told them fo ? Shall we believe the Angelor them? Will they not fuffer God to fend his Me(fîah in his own way, but they muR tell him, that it mutt not be (o ? To call offProphecies, whenand becautè they fuit not wens carnal lugs, fs to rejeâ all Authority of God and his' word. This is that which bath proved their ruine temporal and eternal :, they will not receive a Mef?iah that fhall fuffer, and be cut off for tin, though God foretold them exprefly that it muR be fo. It is added Seventby,concerning the perfon here fpoken of, and whofecoming is foretold ; í31111 1'1+13 "nit" ; be(hall confirm or Rrengtherî the Covenant unto many. The Covenant fpoken of abfolutely, can be none but that everlafling Covenant which Godmade withhis Eleâ, in the promifedfeed: Thegreat Promife whereof was the foundation of the Covenant withAbraham. And hence God fayes, that he will give him for a Covenantunto the people, Ifa.42. v.6. Chap. 49. v. 8. And the Salvation which they looked for through him, Godpromifeth through the bloodof the Covenant, Zech. 9. This Covenant heJfrength'ened unto many in the Weekwherein he fuffered, even unto all that believed inhim. This everlafing Covenantwas ratified in his blood, Heb. 9. v.15. and after he had declared it in his own Miniiffry; he caufed it` to be proclaimed in andby his Gofpel. At the time here determined, the efpecial Covenant with Iliad and Judahwas broken, Zech. i 1, v. to. and they were thereon caR offfrom being 181 4.35. 4. 36.