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In the Epijlle to the l:I E B R E vv s. 47 ver.8 9· ; 11!,@- a.; s.a, ;" ~,;.,;;,~iii d,;;,., (1lJ1 t:l'71J)) 11M& ~o.;,"1<!>- ~ 9. 3. fdflJ'{Jr / a WI-,0-WWa 0'111 ~ ~')ld.•I!Qr.tC /IK.aJOO'rJ~tw '!f ip.io111~~ fivop.ict.v, J"ut.' ib·TO f)<e.t:T: qe Q o~ar, 0 o:ar) a~ £J..a.~ov .lyctMJ.lttimr ~ '1W t.t.gTQ'Xy,' O"v. lhy Throne 0 God for .ever and · ever. (The Verb fobjlantive is left out by the Apofile in Anfwer unto the Original, 1))1 o7r\l t::l'il'iN 1NDJ and om'7N ~ndered; e.a,, for 9<1, which the Apoftropl?e re– quires) A ScepterofVptightnifl ifthe Scepter of thy Kin1,tkm; thon lnj/loved Rigbte01tftujf, and tbou haft hatedbziquity, wherefore God thy God hath anoillted thee with tbe Oyle of gladnejf above thy[eUouu. The words exactly anfwer theOriginal, and they are · the ·fame in the Tranflauon of the LXX, and whence that comc1dence was, we lhall afterwards enquire. Aquila fomewhat otherwife, 0 erOv@- O"'a e:i i1' d1Cdva '!:1 h1; Symmachm d.tO:vt@- -'!) 'iTt ' ( 1',) came to be tranflated i71, from likenefs of found) in O•i 0 God, he expreffeth the Apoftrophe which is evident in the Context. di.-'lpav O.ou· ., 11 7@-, .ni'i'J"7fo' /3ct.a-JJ.£itt.~ rJ'6 • toJ'W he renders by QX'ii7T7ro~ [cep1rum, a Sc~ter, properly, as we !hall fee afterwards, on Gw. 49· v. ro. il"l'"""' .:.;~""~' thou hajf hated ungod!i– mjf, impiety, l)UJ'1. i><it~ x.•1d.<, with the Oyle of Joy ; J1WW low. Symmachur iAdt 9 d.-y>ai·'"''' another word of the lame figmficatwn, with that ufed by the Apoftl.. From Pfol. 45· 6, 7· . Ver. 10, II, 12. 11U x.tt'j' i.p'X.t/;~ Xu~/i 'liiv ·,..n, i8ip.~himf"«~, 'f1 'Epyct. ~ ):Hf~;l CT~ ft~]p Ot ~cavoi · Jvroi 'i"'lt!r.H~1a.~, uV :) .fi«[J.iPc~f, .If; '7fif7H 4~ it-trl.r"Y "iT~tA.wt.~9~CTo~;a.t, ~ Mrd ® – f?,JA~ov £hi€~J iv'11S\1, ~ J.Ma')IIJCT9P7ot.l; ,J :f 0 tA1nO~ ·~I ~ ~ ;J, 'ETJI CT~ Jx. ~?,d'..f,~<Jf• .And thou 0 Lor4, in the·beginning h.aft faundtd the Earth, and theHerwmr are tbe Wori(r of thim handr; they ]haU perijh, bm tbou remaitwfi, and they ]halt wax old M tkth " garmmt. And ar aVej!urejhaltthou fold thtmup, and they ]haltbe changed, but tho~e art tbe Fvm, and thy yearr ]halt not fail; From Pfoil.v roz. v. 26, 27, 28. And thefe ward~ of the Apoftle are now exactly in the Gree~Bibles. Some little difference there is in them from the Heln·ew, the Reafon whereof w.e !hall afterwards give an account of. Symmachur for;,;;;~, reads b>.i~"'• and fo did theCopieJ of the LXX of old, the Word being yet retained in fome of them, and reckoned by all amongll the variour Readings of that Trauflation. The word '""" 0 Lord, inferted by the Apoftle is alfo undoubtedly taken from hence into the Greelz Bibler. For as the infertiu~ of it _was neceffary unto the Apojl!e to denote the Perfon treated of; fo It IS not m theOrzginal, nor wi)l the context of the P{alm admit of it; fo that it could no otherwife come in that place, but fi:om this of the Apoftle. Nor is it probable that the LXX would tranflate g1'7rtn i>l;"', thou lhalt roll up , -and immediately render 1g'7n• i>A•y{,uov1.,, they jhaU be ·changed; but here alfo the words have been borrowed from the Apoj!le, whofe defign was not exactly to tranfl~te, but faithfully to apply the fenfe of the place unto his own purpofe. Ver. 13· xd.elf ~ ;,;,;r f.J.lf, ~tJ' J.y er;; mt ~X9t'~ ql1 .Jzre•~l'l?P ;t;l ..oJliJy (/do Sit thou at "!Y Right band, ttntill I place thine entmier the footj/ool of thy fett. -From Pfalm rro. r. 'l'0''1 at·my right hand, '-'• J'o~'"'' in the pluralnumber, of the reafon ofwhich Change and Manner ofExpre!lion, we lhall treat in its proper pla,e. And here" there remain~ nothing of difference in any Old Tranjlution. CHAP. II. . ' CHap. 2. v..6,7,8· 7i ~~~ ttrBp(U•®- d;t (Aif.lJ"IJaxH d.u~, n qa~ elr..s-rrJ-.rts ~1Tl 6irt1;li•r/'l) d.u9· 4" 'TCr; iJAJ.77c.JmS durC, ~p«.)(_Q Tl -;rtitf.i»iA<:s:r1J'£~~ ~ 'TI,U~ i)£~.:ly&dl1<t' ;_uTav, ~ Xct7~S'"I!O"d,cit.r;6y m 7ct 1 £gyct ~l :Vflf~V fill, 'li.'I!Td. J-Khaect, Wox.i'lc.J N 'iTOJ'{;y d.~. What if mall that thore at_t mindful of him, or the Son of man that thou vifite~ him? thou adt him !efl for a httle whzle than the Angelr, thou haft crowned him with glory and b ur, and haft Jet him over thewori(r of thy handz. Thou haft fobjelied aU things undtr hif feet. FromPfalm 8. v. ), 6, 7, 8. The v:ords of the Apollle are the fame with thofe in the prefent Copy of theLXX. Theotkt~nn, ~f•"X.~ 71 ""ff. ~·•· o•n'?NO 10\lO from the ambiguous fig– ~uficatiQn of the word o•n7N about--which great fiirs have been .raifed, whereof m their proper place. Chry[oftome on this Text mentions fome different Tranjlations of the words of the Pfo!mr. elM~~ faith he, 71 0 X!L'T• ;.,l'pt~. OTt p.vlltJ.ovstJH, J.u7'i:~ another . Book reads, what Hhe accordiug to man that thou remembreft him. 7~ 0 1 u 1 :r' tt.vJ'ptt, is ?ot ~t~N :,r.: b~t 7~ d:vep~'if@- O.IJT@- , W,hat il mortal man. Again, ~M@o tbTl 'li, •:''""'"'?" ~""''. ,,.,,.,-!, ~uTov. Another mllead of, thou vifitej/ him, that thou wilt viJit hmz. Agam, ilh.tT1(d<Tttt cluT0f {2pgx.J .,, -xcf d)?'iA~r~ iTiif(T, {;pet. X." 7/ 'lfcej 9,~,, . .;~a •. •