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In the Ep/1le to the IIEBREVVS. nor all of them together made any filch Alteration in the Church, bat that it was flill one and the fame. The, Olive Tree was the fame, only fame branches were broken of, and others planted in ; the Jesus fell , and the Gentiles came in their room. And this mail and dock determine the ditfarence between the Jews and ChriJ}iam about the Promifer of the Old Teftament. They are all made uiaco the Church. Na individual Perfon hath any intereft in them,but by vertue of his N.bm'cerlhip therewith. This Churchis and alwayes was one and the fame. With whomfoever it remains, the Promiißt are theirs : and that not byApplication' or-Analogie, but direetly and properly. They belong. as immediately at this day, either to the Yews or Chri)tians as they did of old to any. The Q;eftion is, with whom is thisChurchfounded on the promifed tied in theCovenant. This isSianJerufálem, ffrael, Jacob, the Templeof God. The Jews- plead that it is with them, becaufe they are the children of Abraham according to the gefh. Chriftians tell them that their Priviledge on this account was of another nature, and ended with the doming of the Mef?iab. That the' Church unto whom all the Promifes belong, are only rhof`e who are Heirs of Abrahams faith believing as he did, and thereby intereftedin his Covenant. Not as though the'laeomif made to Abrahamwere of none'effhe ; for as it was 'made good unto his carnalfeed in the exhibition of the Mefliah, fo the fpiritual Priviledges of it belonged only unto thofe of theYews and Gentiles, in whom God had grácioufly purpofed to etfed the faith ofAbraham. Thus was, and is the Church, whereunto. all the Promifes be- long, (lily one andthe fame, .namely Abrahams children according to the faith; and among thofePromifes this is one;that God will bea God unto them and their feed for ever. Fsxercitatio 57 ò 3