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on the Glory of Chrift. - 7 3 ·r. BECAUSE of the Infinite Diftance that is b~­ tween his Effence, Nature, or B~ing~ and that of the Creatures. Hence all nations before him, are ~s the drop of a buck.et ' and are c~unted as the [mall dufJ of the ballqnce,yea,that they are as nothing that they are accounted unto him le(s than nothing and vanity. All B~ing is effentia11y in him, and in comparifon thereun~o, all other things are as nothing. And there are no Meafi.1r~s, there is no proportion between infinite be(ng an~ notbint; Nothing that fhouid induce a regard from the one :unto the other. \Nherefore the Infinite, .Effemial Gre~tnefs of the Nature of God, with its Infinite Diftance · from the Namre of all Creatures thereby, caufeth all his dealings with them to be in the way of Condefcentionor humbling himfelf. So it is expreffed, Ifa. 57· I 5· Thus faith the high anJ lofty one who inhabiteth etertJity, I dwell in the high and holy place, with him tdfo who is of acontrite anJ humblJJ fph·it , to 1·evive the fpirit of the humble, and "to revi·ve the heart of the contrite ones. fie is fo the high aud lofry one, and fo inhabiteth .Eternity, or exifieth in his own Eternal Beif)g, tl;lat it is an a{t of mere Grace in him, to takt~ noticeof things below ; and therefore ·he ·doth it it1 ari efpec!al manner of thofe whom the world doth m oft defpife. · · · 2. IT ari~th from his Infinite Sclffufficiency unto all the Acts and Ends of ·his own Eternal Bleffednefs. ·What we have a r~gq.rd unto, what we refpect and d~fire, it is 'that i·r n1ay add unto our (~uisfaction. So it is, fa it mufl: ~e ~i. th ever;r Creatun;; ~10 Creature is felf· fuffi~iei1t ll.f\to its own- . .. - - ble!=: