Owen - BT200 O97 1684

~ c4 Ml$ditatio.ns and DifcprwfeJ .indeep 1;nto hjs Office, ViCtory, Suc~efs, and Tri- ~-.~n1~%. with great Glory ~ lfa. 6~. r,: 2, j, L~n 5'· but '£n.ere were [t4Jj'eri11gs ·~lfu required of h~m antec~~ently tbe~et!n_r o. Qught hot Cbrijf to fufj'e1' and fo emer iuto ht; GlM·y? · BUT fnch were the le fuffering} of Chrijl, as thd.t in ou~ Thoughts about them , our minds ',quickly rec:oile ip .a fenfe of their -in(nfficiency to con}:eiveapght ot .them :Never any one launched 1ntd this Ocean with his Meditations,but be qnicklv ·fo u-nd himfe1f unable to · fathom the depths p(~~: Nor fball I here undertake an Enquiry intq 'them. I !hall bnly point at this Spring of Glory; and leav~ ·jr under avail. ~ - ·wE might here Joo~ on him as under the Weight of the Wrath of God, and the Curfe of the La~; ~<+king 'on hin1felf, and on his whole foul, the utrno it of Evil that God had ever threatned to fin or ilnners; we might look on him iri his Agony and bloody Sweat, in his flrong cries anq ftlpplications, wh~n he \Vas forrowfbl unto the Death,' and bcf!.tm to be amaz.,ed, iil apprehenfions of the things that were coming on him; of that dreadful Trial ~vhich he was emring into : \lVe might look npon him, confl\Cling with all the Pmvers of Darknefs, the rage and madn~ls of men;fuffering in hisSoul, 'his Body, his Narne, his Reputation, his Goods,his tife; fo rn e of thefe fufferi ngs b~ing immediate n,om God above,, others fi·om Devils and wicked men, act ing according to the determinate Coun~ 1~1 of God : we might look on him'praying. weep- ~rg~ c~iin,rz; out, bleed ing, dyi!1g, in a11 things ma- ~in g his Soul anOffering for fin : So was be taken t~·om prifon, a~~ judgment, and who fha11 decla~e ; 1 • '::: • , _ • hiS