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felf, that portion of Mankind, whereof it was -to .confift. Hereby they were on1y rhe peculiar Matter that was to bewrought upon by the Holy Ghoft, and the glorious Fabrick of the Church erected out of it. vVhat was faid; it may be; of .· the Natural body, by the Pfalmift, is true of the Myfi:ical Bo~y of Gh:rift , which is principally intended, Pfal. 1' 39· I 5, 16. ;Hy JubHance 1Ptu not hid from thee, 1vhen I was made in fe~,·,·et, and curioufly 1vrought in the loweR parts of the et!rth: Thine eyes did fee my fobftance yet being imperfe8~ and in thy book allmy members 1vere 1vritten 1vhicb in continuartce wer·! fa(hioned, 1vhen as yet t hn·e was none of them. The {ilbftance of the Church whereof itwas to be formed, was under the eye of God as propofed in the D~c~ee of EleC!ion ; yet was it as fucb. imperfect. It was not formed or !hape<;i into members of the Myitical Body. But they were all written in the Book of Life-. And in purft.tance of rh.e Purpofe of God, there they are by the Hoiy Spirit in the who'le courfe and continuance of time in their feveral generatiQns fa,fhioned into-the fuape defigned for them, 6. TB1S therefore is herein, the glorious Order of Divine Communications. From the infinite Eternal Spring of Vlifaom, Grace1 Goodnefs, and Love in rheFarher,all the effects whereof untorhis end were tr~afured up in thePerfon and Med .ati· on of theSon;theHolySpirit unto whom the actual .App~ication of them is committed, communicates Lzf'e,Light,Poiver,Grace,andl'v.lercy unto all that are· defigned parts of the Nov Creailon.q Hereon doth God glnrifie both theEffentialProperties of his natt:re his Infinite Wifdom, Po7ver,Goodnefs,and Grace, L 3 as