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I 6o lvfeditlltionJ t111d Diftomfeg nent reciprocal actings of the Father and the Son in the·erernallove and complacency of the Spirit. Hereunto nothing can be added , herein no chanr;e can be made by any external work or effe{tof Power. Herein dbth God act in the perfect Knowledg, and perfect Love of his ·own perfe{fons unto an Infinite Acqniefcency therein, which is the Divitie BJeffednefs. This gives us the true notion of the Divine Nature antecedent un~Q the manifeftation of it made by any outward ·effects. Infinite Being and Goodnefs (;!terna1ly bieffed in the Knowiedg and enjoyn1ent of it felf by inconceivable , ineffable, internal Actin~~ a.nf~e;ing tl!~ ~11anner ~f its Subfifi:ence, wmch 1s 111 fhree dtfbnct Perfons. · 3· THiS Being an:l Goorlnefr of God by his own \f:/iH and Pleafi1re acting tbemfeh'es in Infi· nire \tVifdom and Power,produced the Creation of a11 things. Herein he communicated a finite, limited, dependent Being and Goodnefs unto other things without himfelf. For all Being and Goodnefs being, as was fa id, in him alone, it was n~ceffary that the firft outward work and effe{t of the Divine Nature muft be thecomnnmication of Being and Goodnefs into other things. \Vherefore as when . he had given unto every thing its Being out of ·nothing by the vVord ·of his Power, fay· ing,Let them be, and they 'JVere; !bit is [aid, that be looked on all that he had made, and be.hold they ?J...'ere excer:rli.ng goorl. Gen. 1. laft. • Being and -Goodnefs muft be the i1rft outward effects of the' Divine Nature, which being wrought by Infinite . Power and Wifdom, do reprefenr nnto us tLe Glory of God in the Creation of all things. In- . finite