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unto him are they fubject ; in their Relation unto him doth their .P9ce , union and agreement . among themfelvtJ confift. This is the 'JVcapitulation of all things intended by the A poftle. 1 ~· IT is frt1e, that he acts diftinctly and vari~ oufly ro_wards the two parts of the recolleller,l fa~ mi!y of Angels and men, according as their dilferent ftates and conditions do require.. For ( 1.) We had need of a reparation by redemption and grace, which the Angels had not. ( 2J:.) ~ ,Angels were capable of imrnedi2.te confirmation in glory, which we ate not, until we come to heaven. Therefore (r.) He affllmed onr nature that it might be repait·ed ; which he did not the nature of the Angels. ( '2..) He gives· us Union unto himfelf; by his fpirit, which exalts us into a J),ignity and honour, meet for Fellow!hip with them in the fame Famiiy. _ THIS is a brief account of the myfierious work of Divine Wifdom in the Recapitulati on of all things in JefusChrift; and herein is he tran fc..:e ndently glorious ; or his glory herein is br above our cornprebenfion, : Yet fG>me few things may be obferved to direct us in the .view and contemplation of it. .As I. HE alone was a meet and capable {ub jeEl of it. He only could bear th.e weight of tbis glory. No meer Creature in heaven or eanh was meet to be thus made the head of the whole 'new ere.. ation of God. )n none of them could all things confift. None of them was meet to be rhus in t~e place of God, to l)ave all things depend upon h1m, and be put in fnbJeaion umo him,. fo as that M 3 there