Owen - BT200 O97 1684

0 ~ow for a long feafon to Die daily, a; living in 11 r:orttinual expeilatiofz of my DijJolutivn, I fhall on tpii · eccafion acquaint the Reader with fome few of mj thou;;hts and reliefs, wt'th referenc~ unto Death it felf. -THERE are fundry things required oft-is, that 'JVe may be able to encounter Death chearfully~ conftantly, and ·viEforioufly. Fr;r '1-Vant of thefe:; or jome of them; I have known gracious Souls; who ha·ve Hved irt a kind of Bondage for fear of Death all their daies. We know not how God will manage any of our mindt and fouls in that feafon, in that Tryal. For he afls tow~Jrds ' tu in all fuch things, in a '2Vaj' of Sove.. raignty. But theft ·are the things which he req_uireth of us in a UMJ of Duty • 1 ~ PECULIAR affi'ngs of Faith to re.fign and _ commit our departing Souls into the hand of Him ; w~o is able to receive them; to keep and prefer'Ve them; ftf alfo to difpofe•of them into a ftat'e of Reft and Blef [ednefS, are required of us. THE Soul is now parting with all things here be:.. lo2v , and that for ever. }.Tone of all the things which it hath feen, heard or mjoyed, by its outward fen.fes, can be prevailed '2Vith to ftay with it one hou"'; or to take one .ftep with it; in the Voyage wherein it is ingaged. It mu.ft alone by it {elf lanch into eternit)'o It is entring an Iovifible \Vorld, which it knows no more of than it bath received by Faith. None hatb eome from the dead to inform t# vf the State of the o~ ther World. Yea, God feems on purpofe Jo to conceal it from us, that we jhould brrve no evidence of it; at leaft M unto the manner of things in it, but what is gi7Ten un:o Faith by Divine Revelation. Hem.·e thoje who a 2. JieJ