Owen - BT200 O97 1684

Preface to the Reader. fe brought again with his Body into a bleffid Refor· reffion,' and eternal Glory. So Stephen rejigned his Soul departing under 'Violence, into the hmzds of Chrift bim[elt: Tfhen he diecl,- he [aid, Lord Jefils receive my Spirit: THIS is the ln.ft ViEforiot/5 aEf of Faith, wherein its conqueft 0'7,Jer its !aft enemy peath ·it [elf doth confift. Herein the Soul faies, i1t- and unto it [elf, Thou art no1JJ taking lea'Ve of Time unto eternity; r:ll thingJ· about thee are tleptJrtiY-tg M Jhades,artd will im~ metliately difoppear. The things 7JJhich thou art ent-ring into .are yet in'V~fible; Such a! eye hath not feen, nor ear heard,- nor will they enter. into tpe heart of 'm~n fq11y t() conceive. Now therefore 'lvitb quietnefs and ;cc1Jfidence'j,i'Ve up thy [elf unto the Se-. <veraign Po;per, Grace, Truth, and Faithfulnej] of God~ and tliou fhalt find afjured refl anfpe~ce. · BUT JefiH Chrifl it is, who doth immediately recei'Ve the Souls of them who belie'Ve in him. So we foe in the inftanc~ of Stephen. And what can be tt $reater en~o!"ragement t?_reft.~n.them int.o h~s hands, than a dazly Contemplatzon of hts .Qlory tn hu 'Perfon., his Pon;er, his Exaltation, his Office and'Grace? Who that ·believes in him; that belongs.unto him, ·can fear to commit 'his departing Spit'it i(nto his Lorue, Power mzd Care? Even 'Jve altJd Jhall here~y in our dying momentJ· ·fee, by Faith, Hea'Ven opened, and J-efirs J!anding at the right hand of God, ready to recei7/e t~G., This atlded unto the Lo'Ve 'JJ:Jhich all Believers ha'Ve unto the Lord ,1ejiro, ?J.'hich is enflamed ~y CorJtem".· p!ation of his GlcrJ, and their dejires tv be with him i;Jhere be is,- it willftrengthen qnd confirm our. mi11~1 ·,_ 4