Owen - BT200 O97 1684

Praface to the Reader. that it muft be abfolutely at the difpofal of another~ WHEREFORE no man can ccmfortably venture on, and into this condition; but in the exercife of that Faith, 'Jvhich enables him to rejign anti give up his departing Soul into the Hanrl of God, who alone is aE!e to receive it, and to diJPufe it into a Conditio·n of Reft and Blejjednef!. So Jpeaks the Apojfle, I am not afhamed; for 1 know whom I have believed, and am perfwaded that he is able to keep that which I hav:e committed unto him, againit that day. IIEREIN, m in all other Graces, is our Lord 1efits Chrift our great example. He rejigned his departing Spirit into the hq.nds ofhis Father, to be owned arJd preferved by him, '£nits Jlate of Separatio11. Father, into thy hands I commlt:my fPirit, Luk. 2 i. 46; m did the Pfalmijl his Type, in an alike condition, Pfal. 3 I.)· But the Faith of our Lord:"fe{its Chrift herein, the object and exerr:ife of it, 'Jl)hat · h~ -believed anrl tru(led unto , in.tbis Rejig11aticn of his Spirit into the HmHl of God, is at large exprej]ed in the jixteenth Pfalm. I have (foith he) fet the Lord always before me: becaufe he is at my right hand, I fhall not be moved, therefore my heart is glad, . and my glory rejoycetb, my fle!h alfo fhall reft in hope. For thou wilt not leave iny foul in heH, neither wilt thou fuffer thine holy one to fee cor- .rtJptio::l. Thou wilt fhew me the path of life; in ~hy P,refence is fnlnefs of joy, at thy right .hand there are pleafures for evermore. He left his Soul ~rt the hand of God, in f ull aj]'urance that it .fhou!tl fUJJ'er no evil iu its fla te of Separation, but jlJol-114 a 3 hf