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on the Glor; of Chrift. 3 r nefs of God, as revealiryg and manifefting themfelves in him ? Po we fhfficiently confider, that the immediate Vijion of this glory in heaven will be our everlafting b1effedn~fs? Doth the imperfet1 'View which we have of it here, encreafe our defires after the perfe8 fight of it above ? With re- · fpect unto thefe enquiries , I fhall briefly !peak unto fundry forts of men. SOME will fay they underftand not thefe things , nor any concernment of their own in them. If they are true, yet are they notions which they may fafely be without the knowledg of; for fo fat; as they can difcern, they have no influence on Chriftian practice, or Duties of Morality. And the preaching of them cloth but take off the minds of men fi·om more Neceffary duties. But if the Go[pel be hid, it i.r hid unto them that perijh. Anq unto the Objection I fay: · 1. NOTHING is more fully and dearly revealed in the Gofpel, than that unto us Jefus -Chrift is the Image of the Inrviftble God; that he ~s the charaCfer of the Perjon of the Fathe ,-, fo as that in feeing him, we fee the Farheralfo; that we have the light of the knowledg of the glory of God in hiJ face alone, as bath been proved. This is the principal fundamental myfterie and truth of the Go· fpel ; and which, if it be not received, believed, owned , all other Truths are ufelefs unto our fouls. To refer all the Teftimonies that are given hereunto, to the Doctrine which he taught,in contradiftinction unto his Perfon as acting in the cl ifcharge of his Office; is Antievangelical, .Antichri· ftian, turning the whole Gofpel into a Fable.