Owen - BT200 O97 1684

59 they will not be at the trouble and charge of that mortification of earthly Affections , that rxtirpation of fenfual Inclinations, that retirement from the occafions of life, which are required thereunto. See the Treatifo of Spiritual·mintled:. nefs. . IT is to be feared th~t there are fome who profef~ Religion with an appearance of ftriEfnefs, who never feparate themfelv~s from all other occafions to meditqte on Chrifo and his Glory. And yet with a firange inconfiflency of Apprel.Ienfibns, they will profefs that they defire nothing more, than to behold his Glory in Heaven for e•ver. 13ut it is evident even in the Light of Reafon, that thefe things are irreconcilable. It is impoffible. that he who never meditates. with d~light on the Glory of Chrift here in this world, who labours 11;0t to pehold it by Faith as it is revealed in the Sdipture;· fhould ever have any real gracious defire to behold it in Heaven. 'I hey may love and defire the fruition of their own Imaginations, they cannot do fo of the Glory of Chrift where· of they are Ignorant, and wherewith they are nn-: acquainted. It is rhe~fore to be lamentyd_tl;lat men can find time for, and have inclinations to think and meditate on other things, it may be ~arth1y and, vain; ~ut have neither heart, nor incliz:ation, nor leafure to meditate oQ this glorious ObJect. Wh~t is the Faith and Love which ft1ch m~n p~ofefs? · how will they ~nd · themfelves de· ce1ved·m the Iffue! · · · : 4 ·LET. yo~r .odcajional thoughts ofChrift be ma-r ny, and mt1lnplted every day. He is not far from l-1S; VJ.e may make· ~ fpeedy ~ddrefs unto him at '- . · . · , · · any