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58 Meditati~}!.r and Difi·mtrjeJ therein. And we are in the beft frame of Duty, when the principal motive in our minds to ~ontend earneftly for retaining the pofiefflon of the Scripture, agaiMl all that would deprive us of it, or difcdurage us fi·om a daily diligent fearch into it, is tbis,that they would take from 11s the only gla(s wherein we may behold the Glory of Chrift.' This is the Glory of the Scripture, that it i~ the great, yea; the onelr outward means of reprefenting unto us the Glory of Chrirr ; ·and he is the Sun ir1 the firmament of it, which only bath light in it felf, and communicates it unto all other things befides. ·3· ANOTHER Direction unto this fame .end, is, That having attained the Light of the KnowIedg of the Glory of Chrift from the Scripture, or by the difpenfation of the Truth in the preaching of the Gofpd,?ve 2vould ejleem it our duty frequently to medittlte thereon. . WANT hereof is that fundamental miftake, which keeps many among us fo low in their Grace, fo regardlefs of their priviledges. They hear of thefe things, they affent unto their truth, at leaft they do not gainfay them : but they never folennily meditate upon them. This they efteem a work that is abo~wthem, or are ignorant totally of it, or efteem themfelves not much concerned in it, or diflike it as Fanatacifm. For it is that which no confiderations can ingage a carnal mind to delight in. The mind muft be fpiritual and holy, fi·eed fi:om earthly Affecti?ns and Encumbrances, r-aifed above things here below, that can in a due manner meditate on the Glory of Chrift. ThereQre are the moft ftrangers unto this duty, becaufe the}'