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176 LA 'Declaration of the Glorious M r s T E R Y flain, he procures theapplication of thé virtues and benefits of it in recon- ciliation and peace with God, unto their fouls and confciences. Hence are all believers fprinkled andwafted with his blood in all generations; in the applicatión ofthe virture of it unto them, as flied for them.. (s. To undertake their proteaion, and to plead their caufe againft all the accufations of fatan. He yet accufeth and chargeth them beföre God. But Chrift is their advocate at the throne ofgrace, effectually fruf- tratirig all his attempts, Rev, xii. to. Zech. iii. 2. 3.) To intercede for them; as unto thecommunication of all graceand glory, all fupplies of the fpint, the accomplifhment ofall the promifes of the covenant towards them, a John ii. t, a, This is the work of Chrift in heaven. In thefe things an -the high priefl of the church, doth he con- tinue to adminifter his mediatory office on their behalf. And herein is Ile attended with the tongs and joyful acclamations of all the holy ones that are in the prefence of God, givingglory to God byhim. (z.) As unto the manner of this glorious adminiffration, fundry things are to be'confidered. r.} That this tranfattion of things in heaven, being in the temple of God, andbefore the throne ofgrace, is a folemn inftituted worfhip at pre- fent, which (hall ceafe at the end of the world. Religiouswdrlhip it is ; or that wherein and whereby all the faints above do give glory to God. And it is inftituted worfhip, not that which is meetly natural, in that it is God's efpecial appointment in and by Chrift the mediator. It is a church Rate which is conftituted thereby, wherein thefe glorious ordinances are celebrated; and fuch a Elate as (ball not be eternal, but bath its time allotted unto it. And believers at prefent have by faith an admiíron into communion with this church above in all its divine worthip. Forwe are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerufalem, andto an innumerable company ofangels; to thegeneral a,(iembly and church of the iirfl born, which are written in heaven ; and to God the Judge of all, and to the fpirits of jufi men made perfell; and to 74fus the mediator ofthe newcovenant, and to the bloodoffprinkling, whichfpeak- eth better things than that of Abel, Heb. xii. 22, 23, 24. A church Rate sloth the apoftte moftexprefly reprefent unto us.' It is Sion, Jerufalem, the great aflembly; the names of the church, (late under the Old Teftament. And it is a (late above, the heavenly Jerufalem, where are all the holy angels, and the fpirits of ju(l men made perfect; in themfelves, though not in their (late as to the re(titution of their bodies at the refurre&ion. And an holy worthip is there in this great affembly. For not only is Jefus init asthe mediator of thecovenant; but there istheblood offprinkling alfo, in the effeftual application of it unto the church. Hereinto have we en- trance. In this holyaffembly and worship have wecommunion by faithwhilft we are here below, Heb.x. 19, 20, 2t, 22. 0 that my foul might abide in thisexercife offaith ; that I might yet enjoy a clearer profpeff ofthis glory, and infpeftion intothe beauty and order of this bleffed affembly I How inconceivable is the reprefentationthat God here makes of the glory ofhis wifdom, love, grace, goodnefs and mercy in Chrift ? How excellent is the manifeftation of the glory and honour of Chrift in his perfon and offices, the glory given him by the Father? How little a portion do we know, or can have experience in, of the refrefhing, fatiating communi- cations of divine love and goodnefs unto all the members of this affembly; or of that unchangeable delight in beholding the glory of Chrift, and of God in him ; of that ardency of affeftions wherewith they cleave unto him, and continual exultation of fpirit; whereby they triumph in the raifes of God, that are in all the members of it? To enter into this af- fembled