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of the PERSON of CHRIST. 177 tenably byfaith, to joyn with it in the affignation ofpraifes unto him that fits on the throne, and to the lambför evermore, to labour after a frame of heart in holy affections, and fpiritual delight, in fome correfpondency with that which is in the faints above, is the duty, and ought to be the de- fign of the church of believers here below. So much as we are farthered and affiftedherein by our prefent ordinances, fo much benefit and advan- tagehave we by them, and no more. A conftant view of this glory, will raft contempt on all the defirable things of this world, and deliver our minds from any dreadful apprehenuonsof what is moil terrible therein. 2.) This heavenly worfhip in the fandoary above, adminiftred by the high prieft over the houfe of God, is coní`picuoufly glorious. The glory of God is the great end of it, as (hall be immediately declared; that is, the manifeftation of it. The máñifeftatio i of the glory of God confifts really in the effefts of his infinite wifdom, goodnefs, grace and power; declara- tively in the exprefs acknowledgment of it with praife. Herein therefore doththe folemn worship ofGod in the fanduary above conflit; fattingafide only the immediate airings of Chrift in his intercefiion. It is a glorious ex- prefs acknowledgment of the wifdom, love, goodnefs, grace and power of God, in the redemption, fan&ification and falvationof the church by Jefus Chrift, with a continual afcription of all divine honour unto him in the way of praife. For the manner of its performance, our prefent light into it, is but dark and obfcure. Some things have an evidence in them. As, (i. That there is nothing carnal in it, or fuch things as are fuited unto the fancies and imaginations of men. In the thoughts of heaven, molt per- tens are apt to frame images in theirminds offuch things as they fuppofe they could bedelighted withal. But they are far remote from the worfhip ofthis holyaffèmbly. The worihipofthe gofpelwhich is fpiritually glorious, makes a nearer approach unto it, than that of thetemple which wasoutwardly and carnally fo. (2. It is not measly mental; or tranfafted only in the filent thoughtsof each- individual perfon. For as we have (hewed, it is the worfhip of a church affembly wherein they have all communion and joynin theperformance of ir. We know not well the wayand manner ofcommunication between angels and the fpirits ofjuft men made perfect. It is expreffed in the fcripture by voices; poftures and geftures ; which althoughthey are not of the faine nature as ab- folurely oursare, yet are they really fignificaht ofthe things they would ex- prefs, and a means of mutual communication. Yea I know not how far God may give them the ufe ofvoice and words, whereby to exprefs his praife, as tl'lofes talked with Cleriff, at his transfguration,Matth. xvii. 3. But themanner of it is filch, as whereby thewhole aflèmbly above do joyntly fet forth and celebrate the praifes ofGod. And theglory hereof confifts in three things. [Li The bleff4and beautiful order of all things in that fanivary. Yob defcribes the rave' beneath to be a placewithout any order, and where the light is as dai knefs, chap. x. 22. All above is order and light; every perfon and thing in its proper place and exercife. r.) Heaven it felf is a temple, a fanétuary, made foby the efpeciál pretence ofGod, and the ininiftration ofChrift in the tabernacleofhis humane nature. 2.) God is on the throne of grace; glorioufly exalted on the account of his grace, and for the difpenfationof it. To the faints above he is on the throne of grace, in that theyare in the full enjoyment of the effefts of his grace, and do give glory unto him on the account thereof. He is fo alfo with refpeft unto the church here below, in the continual communi- cations ofgrace and mercy through Chrift. 3.) The Lord Chrift in his humane nature is before the throne, acting his mediatory officeand power in behalf of the church. Y y 4.) Ail