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Ver .4. DifcoveryofForgivenef, &c. I17 forgiven. No but it is o.)ly that there is Redemption and for- givenff1 of tins in Chritl. Só the Apot}le layes it down, Ads 13. 38, 39. Be it }known unto you therefore Men and Brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgivenefs of ,ns, and by him all that believe are jufiifted from all things ; from which they could not be jufiifed by the Law of Mojer. Alt this may be baieved, without a mans Atfurance of his own personal in- terett in the things mentioned. Now where they are baieved with the faith the Gofpel requires,that faith is Paving, and the root of Go4pe1 acceptable Obedience. The Ranfome, I fay, the Attonement by Chrift, thefulnef of the Redemption that is in him, and fo Forgivenefi in his blood for Believers, from the Good Will, Grace, and Love of the Father , is the firft GoJJiel disco- very that a finnei in afaving manner clofeth withal. Parti- cular Affurance arifcth, or may arife afterwards, and this alío is fuppdfed in the Afrtion. 2. That which is affirmed. in it, is, That a difeovery offorgive Difcovery nets in God, without any particular Affurance of personal interest of forgive- therein, is a great fupportment to a fin entangled foul. And let nefs a great noman defpife theday of this fmali thing, (mall in the eyes offupptoro in force, and thofe good men alto, as if it did not deferve the tan led name offaith. Now as hath been made to appear, this difco- fouls. very offorgiveneß, is thi fouls perfwafion, on Gofpel grounds, that however it be with him, and whatever his bate and con- ditionbe, or is like to be, yet that God in his own Nature is infinitely gracious, and that he hath determined in a Soveraign All of his Will from Eternity, to begracious to tanners ; and that he hath made way for the Adminifiration of. forgiveneff by the Blood of his Son, according as he hath abundantly ma nifefted, and declared- in the Promifes of the Gofpel. How- ever it be with me, yet thus it is with God , There isforgive- neß with him. This is the firs} thing that. a foul in its depths, rifeth up unto : And it is a fupportment for it ; enabling it unto all prefint duties until confolation come from above. Thus hath it been to, and with the Saints ofold, Hof.14.3. Ashur Pall not five us, we will not ride upon Horfes, neither will we fay any more to the work, of our hands, ye are our Gods, for in Q..3. thee