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Ver.4. Means whereby a Difnvery, &c. I.2 I expreflion cornprehenfive of hi! whole Worfhvp; and all our duty. This I am encouraged, faith th Pfalmiff unto, in my depths; becaufe there is forgivendCs with Thee, .I will abide in all duties, in all the w.rjes of thy Wor(hi', wherein thou mai(t be found. And however it be for a whilc,the latter end of that foul who :thus abideth with God, will be peace. Let us then ncx:ly fee by what wajes and means it yields this fupportmenr. x. It begets a liking of God in the foul ; and confequently,Means force love unto him. The foul apprehends God, as one in whereby a finitely to be &fired and delighted in by thofe who have a Difcovery (hare inforgiveneJt It cannot but confider him as good and of Forgive- gr,rcious, however its own eftate be bazrrdous, :3 PN. I , 2. pporncfs yriçlds - Yet God is god to ICrae1, to fuch as are of a clean heart, as for num. me, my feet were almoft gone, myfleps had well nigh flipt. How- ever the (late Rands withme , yet I know that God is Q.od, good to Irael ; and therewith (hall I Jupport my felt: When once this ground is got upon the foal, that it confiders God in Chrift as one tobe delighted in, and loved, great and blef- fedcff ets will enfue. ,(r.) Self-abhorrency and Condemna- tion, with.Refgnation ofall to God, and permanency there- in, do certainly attend it. (2.) Still fomewhat or .other in God will be brought to mind to relieve it under faintingc, tome new#rings of hope will be every day opened. (3. ) And the.foul will be int nfibly wrought upon to delight it fill' in dealing with .God. Though in its own particular, it meets with frowns, chitlings and repulfes , yet this Will relieves him, that God is fo as hach been declared ; fo that he Cayes, hors ever it Le, yet God isgood; and it is good for me to wait up- on him. Without this dilcovery the foul likes not God, and whatever it cloth with rcCpeF,} unto him, it is becaule it darer do no otherwife, being overawed with his terror and great- net's. And fuch Obedience God may liave from Devils. 2.It removes fundry overwhelming difficulties , that lye in the fouls way tefor,¡ it dole with this:difcovery of forgive- nefs. As, r. It takes away all thofe Hinderances that were formerly hit-died on, from the Greatnefs, Bolinefs and feverity of God, R the