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Ver.4. Sacrifices an Evidence ofForgivenef . 141 heel was to be bruited, is aliointimated. And this was the fir it difcovery that ever was made offorgivene fI inGod. By a word of pure Revelation it was made, and fo faith mull take it up and receive it. Now this Revelation of forgivenefs with God in this one Promife, was the bottom of all that Worfhip that was yielded unto him by ftnners for many Ages. For we have (hewed before, that without this, no firmer can have the leafl encouragement to approach unto him; and this will continue to the end of the world,as a notable evidenceofthe truth in hand, a firm foundation forfaith to refl and build upon. Let a firmer ferioufly confider the Bate of things as they were then in the world laid downbefore,and then viewGod coming forth witha word ofpardon and forgivenefr, meerly from his own Love,and thofe counfel's ofpeace that were between the Father and the Son, and he cannot but conclude under his greaten difficulties, that yet there is forgiven(fi'rrith God that he may be feared. Let now the Law and Confcience, let Sin and Satan Band forth and except againfl this Evidence; enough may be fpoken from it, whatever the particular cafe be, about which the foul hath a comet' with them, to put them all to filence. I I. God revealed this SacredTruth by bis Inffitution ofSacri- Sacrifices flee!. Sacrifices by"blood, do all of them refpeá Attonement, an Evi- Expiation, and confequentiallyforgivenef? It is true indeed, dente of they could not themfelves take away fin, nor make them perfeFiF2fgive- who came unto God by them, Heb. i o. I. but yet they undovia- bly evince the taking away of fin, or the forgiveneß of it, by what they did denote and typifie. I {hall therefore look a little back into their Rife and Intendment. a. The Original and fir(i fpring of Sacrifices is not in the Scripture exprelly mentioned, only the praaice of the Saints is recorded. But it is certain from infallible Scripture Evi- dences, that they were of Gods immediate Inflitution and Ap= pointment.God never allowed that the Will orWifdom ofman, flhould be the fpring and Rule of his Worlhip.Thatfolemn word wherewith he Fronts the command that is theRule ofhis Wor- ïhip, Ì fWvf Thou (halt nos make to thyfelf, which is the life ofthe command, (that which follows being an explanation T 3 and