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Ver.4. Prayerfor thepardon of fin commanded. i 8S this no finner couldfear, ferve, or worfhip him. This therefore is undeniably proved by the Inlitutionofthis Worthip, which was propofed unto confirmation. Theend of all thefe things, as we (hall afterwards at large declare, is to encourage poor finners to believe, and to evi- dence how inexcufable they will be left, who notwithftanding all this, do through the power of their lulls and unbelief, refute to come to God in Chrilt that they may be pardoned. Yea, the laying open of the certainty and fulnefs of the evidence given unto this truth, makes it plain and confpicuous,whence it is that men perith in and for their fins. Is it for want of Mercy, Goodnefs, Grace or Patience in God ? Is it through any defect in the Mediation of the Lord Chrift ? Is it for want of the mightieft encouragements and moil infallible Aíf.i- rances that with God there is Forgivenefl? Not at all, but meer- ly on the account of their own obftinacy, ftubbornnefs and perverfnefs. Theywill not come unto this Light, yea they hate ít, becaufe their deeds are evil. They will not come to Chrift, that they may have life. It is meerly darknefs, blind- nefs, and love of fin, that brings men to deftrudion. And this is laidopen, and all pretences and excufes are removed, and the (halm of mens lulls made naked by the full confirma- tion of this Truth, which God hath furnithed uswithal. Take heed you that hear or read thefe things ; if they are not mixed with faith, they will add greatly to your mifery. Every Argument will be your Torment. But thefe confiderationsmutt be infifted on afterwards, Moreover if you will take into your minds what bath been delivered in particular, concerning the natureand end of the Wor(hip of Gòd which you attend unto, you may be inüru- tied in theufe And due obfirvation of it. When youaddrefs your (-elves unto it, remember that this is that which God re- quires of you who are finners. -That this he would not have done, but with thoughts and intention of mercy for finners. Biefs him with all your fouls, that this is laid as theFounda- tion of all that you have todo withhim. You are not ut- terly cart off, becaufe you are finners. `Let this fupport and warm your hearts, when you go to hear, to pray, or any du- B b ty