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186 Forgivenefs'snanifed in the Pfál. i3o. ty ofWorfhip. Confider-what is your principal work in the whole. You are going to deal with God about Forgivenefs, in the Being, Caufes, Confequents, and Eiels of it. Hearken what he fpeaks, declares, or reveals about it ; mix his Reve. lation and Pranifes with faith. Enquire diligently into all theObedience andThankfulnefs, all thofe duties ofHolinefs, and Righteoufnefs, which hejuflly expels from them who are made partakers of it ; fo fhall you obferve the Worlhip of God unto his Glory, andyour on Advantage. The giving and efablifhing of the New Covenant another Evidence of Porgiveneß with God. The Oath of God en- gaged in the confirmation thereof. Forgive- VIII. Another Evidence hereof may be taken from the nefs mani- making, cffabliíhing and ratifyingof the New Covenant. That felted in God would make a new Covenant with his people is often pro- CeNew miled often declared. See among other places, Jer. 1 1. i 2 Covenant, g P 3 >3 and that he bath done fo acco:dingly, the Apofile at large cloth manífefl, Heb.8. 8, 9, 10, 12t Now herein fundry things unto our prefent purpofe may beconfidered. For, I. It is fuppofed that G xd had before ma .'e another Cove- nant with mankind. With reference hereunto is this laid to be a new one. It is oppofed unto another that was before it, and in comparifòn whereof that is called old, and this faid w be nerv, as the Apoille fpeaks exprefly in the place before men- tioned. Now a Covenant between God and man is a thing Great and Marvel/otts ; whether we confider the nature of ir, or the Ends of it ; In its own nature it is a Convention, Corn. pad and Agreement, for fome certain ends and purpofes be- tween the Holy Creator and his poor creatures. How infinite, how unfpeakable mua needs the Grace and Condefcention of God in this matter be ? For what is poor miférable man , that God fhould fet his heart upon him, that he fhould as it were give bounds to his Soveraigntyover him, and enter into termsof Agreement with him ? For whereas before, he was a meer obje5l of his Abfoolute Dominion, made at his Will, and for WI Plea, pre?,