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Ver.4. NewCove4ant. 187 fore, and on the fame reafons to be crulhed at any time into nothing Now hebath a bottom, andground given him to nand upon, whereon to expec}good things fromGod, upon the ac- count of his Faithfulnefs and Righteoufiiefs.God, in a Covenant, gives thole holy properties of his Nature unto his Creatures : as his hand or arm for him to lay hold upon, and by them to plead and argue with him. And without this a man could have no foundation for any entexcourfe or Communion with God, or of any expectation from him, nor any dire lion how to deal with him in any of his concernments. Great and dignal then was the condefenfon in God, to take his poor Crea- ture into Covenant with hitnfelf. And efpecially will this be manifc!1, if we confider the Ends of it, and why it is that God thus deals with man. Now thefe are no other than that mart mightJrve him aright , be blelhed by him, and be brought unto the everlafting enjoyment of him, all unto his Glory. Thele are the Ends of every Covenant that God takes us into with himfelf. And thefe are the whole ofman. No more is required of us in a way ofduty ; no more can be required by us to make us bleffed and happy, but what is contained in them. That we might live to God, be accepted with him, and come to the eternal fruition of him, is the whole of man; All that we were made for, or are capable of; and thefe are the Ends of every Covenant that God makes.with men ; being all com- prized in that folerrin word, that he will be their God, and they ,ball be hispeople. Secondly, This being the Ní tore, this the End of a Covenant, there mua be fome great and important caule, to change, alter, and abrogate a Covenant once made and eí 'rabliíhed, to lay afide one Covenant, and to enter into another. And yet this the Apof1e Cayes exprefly that God had done, ab. 8. t 3. and proves it, becaufe himfelf calls that which he promifed, a New Covenant, which undeniably confirms two things. Firf, That the other was become old ; and Secondly, That be- ing becomejo, it was changed, altered and removed. I know the Apoftle (peaks immediately of the old Adminij}ration of the Covenant under the Old Tettament or Mofaìcal Inaituti- ons : but he Both fo with reference uuto that revival which Bbl in