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Ver. I, 2. Sins occa(ioning great DiftreJi. 23 renneß, and fruidefnefs in their Generations; they Dial! wither, grow barren, worldly, faplefs, and be much cati out of the hearts of the people of Go }. Or Secondly, Thty thall be ex- ercifed in thefe derths, trotn whence their way of deliverance is laid down in this Pp.47.1. Thus I f, y, God deals with Its Saints. in great variety : Some (hall have all their hones brul¿n, when others íhall have only the g°ntle firokes of the rod. We are in the band of Mercy, and he may deal withus as kerns good unto him ; but for our parts, great fins, ought to be attended with expe6tations of great depths and perplexities. And this is the flate of the foul propofed in this PJalm, and by us, untocontideration. Thefe are the depths wherein it is en- tangled; theCe the wayes and means whereby it is brought in- to theft depths. Its department in, and under this flare and condition, lyes next in our way. But before I proceed there- unto, I (hall annex fome few things, unto what hash been de- livered, tending to the farther opening of the whole Cafe before us. And they are (i .) What are, orof what fort thole tins are which ufually call the fouls of Believers into thefe depths; and then (a.) Ilititt on force Aggravationsof them. What fins ufually bring Believers into great fjiritual,diffreffs, Sias occa- Aggravations of thosefins, lìoning great di- Fitti, Sins in their own nature wafting Confcicnce are of this ítreflès. fort. Sins that rife in oppófitionunto all ofGod that is in us ; that is the light ofGrace and Nature allo. Such are the fins that call David into his depths. Such are the fins enumerated >< Cor. 6. 9, io. Be not deceived, faith theApotile, neither Forni- cators, nor Idolaters, nor Adulterers, nor Effeminate , nor abujers of them;èlves with Mankind. NorThieves, nor Covetous, nor Drun- kards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, (,ball inherit the Kingdom of God. Certain it is, that Believers may fall intoJ me of thefins here mentioned: Some have done fo, as is left on record. The Apottle lays not,thofe who have committed any of thefefins, but fuch finners (hall not inherit the Kingdom ofGod ; that is,who live in these, or anyof thefe fins, or any like unto them. There is no ptoviton of mercy made forjuchfinners, These and the like