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Vér. i,2 . Souls in Difirefs. 3 3 in fin diilrrf s by felt endeavours, feltrighteoufnefs. Hence many poor fouls in t raights apply themfelves , to themfelves. They expect their cure, from the fame hand that wounded them. This was the life of Judaifm, as the Apofle informs us, Rom. i o. 3. And all men under the Law, are í1i11 animated by the fame principle. They return, but not unto the Lord. Finding themfelves in depths,in difireffes about fin, what courte do they take ? This they will do, that they will do no more; this (hail be their ordinary courfe, and that they will do in an extra)rdinary manner ; as they have offended, whence their trou- b,l ifèih, Co they will amend, and look that their peace thould fpring from thence , as ifGod and they, flood on equal terms. In this way Come Ipend all their dayes; finning and amending, amendir;gand tinning, without once coming to repentance and peace. This the fouls of believers watch againfi. They look on themfelves asfatherkg; in thee the fatherlefJndeth mercy; that is, help/fig; without the leal( ground of hopes in them- felves, or expo Cation from themfelves. They know their re- pentance, their amendment, their fupplicatioüs, their humilia- tions, their fallings, their mortifications ; will not relieve them. Repent they will, and amend they will, and pray, and fati, and humble their fouls, for they know thefe things to be their du- ty; but they know that their goodneßfxtends not to him with whom they have to do, nor is he profited by their righteouf nefs. They will be in the performance of all duties, but they expect not deliverance by any duty. It is God, fay they, with whomwe have todo : our butinefs is to hearken what he will fay unto us. There are alto other wayes whereby finful fou& defiroy themfelves by falfe reliefs. Diverfions from their perplexing thoughtfulnefs pleafeth them. They will fix on fomethingor ,other, that cannot cure their difaje, but (hall only make them forget that they are f ck. AsCain under the terror of his guilt, departed from the pretence of the Lord, and fought inward reti in outward labour and employment ; he went and built a City, Gen. 4.6. Suchcourts Saul fixed on firft Mufick, then a Witch. Nóthingmore ordinary than for men thus to deal with their eonviótkons. They fie their fckneß, feel their mound,. F and