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Ver.3. a fénfe of the guilt ofSin. 49 tie who fiat finned , and had firft occafion to have feriour thoughts about Gods marking lin, gives us a notable intiance of what we hàve affirmed. And the finti in every kind, is the meafure of all that follows in the fame kind, Gen. 3. 8 . He beard the voyce ofGod : fo he had done before without the lead trouble or con[fernation ofSpirit ; i-le was made for communi- on withGod ; and that he might hear his voice was part of his bleifedneis. But now faith he, I heard thy voice and was afraid, and hidmy Pelf. He knew that God was coming in the inqueft offin, and he was not able to bear the thoughts of meeting him ; could he have gone into the bowels of the earth from whence he was taken, and have been there hid fromGod, he would not have failed to have attempted it. Things are now altered with him ; in that God whom he loved before , as a good, holy, powerful, Righteous Creator, Preferver, Bene- factor and Rewarder, he law nothing now, but wrath, indig- nation, vengeance and terror. This makes him tremble out thofe dreadful words, I heard thy voice, and was afraid, andhid myfelf. Thegiving out ofthe Law afterwards , evinces what e;iêds the contideration of Gods proceeding with fnners, according to the tenor of it, mull needs produce, Exod. 20. 18, 19. All the people faw the thundrings and the lightnings, and the voice of the trumpet, and the Mountain fmoaking ; as the Apodle alfo defcribes it, Heb. 1 2. 18. In this manner came forth from the Lord that fiery Law, Deut. 33. 2. So that all, who were con- cerned in it, did exceedingly quake and tremble. And yet all this refpecs but the feverity of the Law in general, without the application of it unto any foul in particular. There is a folemnity, that carrieth an awe with it, in the preparation of anAffize to be kept and held by poor worms like our felves but the dread of it, is peculiar to the Malefaclors, for whofe tryal and execution all this preparation is made. When a foul comes to think, that all this dreadful preparation, this appear- ance of terrible Majefty, thefebreams of the fiery Law are all pointed towards him, it will make him cry out, Lord who canhand? And this Law is (fill inforce towards fanners, even as it was on the day wherein it was given onMount Sinai. H Though