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To the Reader. of my end and purpofe is obtained. T know fome there are that dislike all d f ourfes of this nature, and look upon them with contempt and feorn. rut why they Jbould fo do, Iknow not, unlefs the Gof, el it j', and all the myfleries ofit befolly unto them. Sin and Grace in their original causes, various refpecs, con- fequents, and ends, are the principal fubjeCfs of the whole Scripture, of the whole Revelation of the Will ofGod to illankind. In theft do our prefent and eternal concernments lye, and from andby them hath God defigned the great and everlafling exaltation of his own Glory. Z'pon thefe do turn all the tranf- alJions that are between God and the finds of men. That itshould be an endeavour needlefs' or fiper- fluous, to inquire into the Will of God about, and our own ìnterefl in theft things, who can imagine ? Two wales there are whereby this may be done. Firfl, Speculatively, by a due invefligation of the nature of thefe things, according as their Doarine is declared in the Scripture. An endeavour according to the mind ofGodherein, isjufl andcommendable, and conr- prehenfrve ofmofl ofthe chiefheads ofDivinity. But this is not to be engaged in for its ownfal¿e. The knowledge of God andspiritual things have this proportion un- to 'radical Sciences, that the end of all its notions and Dot`rines confits in praaice. wherefore, Se- condly, Theft things are to be confidered pcaüically, that ic, as the fouls and confciences of tntn are aîivally concerned in them , and converjant about them How men eontrad the guilt offin, whatJens they have, and ought to have thereof, what danger they are liable unto thereon, what perplexities and diflrefès their filth and confluences are reduced to thereby,