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To the Reader. thereby, what courfes they fix upon for their relief; as alpwhat is that Grace of God whereby alone they may be delivered, wherein it cones how it was prepared, how purchafed, how it is propofed, andhow it may be attained ; what eféas and confequents a participation of it doth produce, how in thefe things Faith and obedience unto Cod, dependance on him, fubniiffon to him, waiting for him, are to be exer- cifed, is the principal work that thofe who are called unto the difjenfation of the Goffiel ought to enquire into therfIves, and to acquaint others withal/. In the right and due management of Chef things, whe- ther by writing, or oral infruc`lion with prudence, diligence, and zeal, cloth conff their principal ufe- fulnef in reference unto the Glory of God, and the everlafing welfare of the Souls of men : And they are under a great mifiake whofrppofe it an ea/le and a common matter to treat of thefe practical things offully, to the edification of them that do believe. Becaufe both the nature of the things them- fives with the concerns of the fouls and confci- ences of all forts of Ferfons in them, require that they be handled plainly , and without thofe inter- mixtures offecular Learning, and additions of orna- ments of fpeech, which difcourfes of other natures may , or ought to be compofd and Jet ofwithall flume .judging by weer outward appearances, ereci- ally if they be of them from whom the true nature of the things themfelves treated of are hid, are rea- dy to defif and fcorn the plain management of them, as that which bath nothing ofwifdom or learn- ing accompanying ofit no ofíisof any commendable A 3 ability