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Nature and Caufs Pf.al.i3o, lion ; ( 2 ) Evangelical, and previous to the recovery Jrom depths, whereof we treat. How there two differ, and how theymay be difcerned one from the other, being both of them in their kind fincere, is not my bufinel`s to dechare. Nature Now this /aft, which we :;Ilìgn as the fide duty, work, or and Caufes a&ing of a returning foul, is a deep and prac` ical apprehenfion con iai- wrought in the mind and heart of a believing firmer by the Hoiy ors of fin. Ghoft, of fin and its evils, in reference unto the Law, and Love of God, the Croft, andblood of Chriff, the communion and conflation of the Spirit, and all the fruits of Love, Mercy, or Grace, that it bath been made partaker of, or on Gof ?l grounds hopedfor. Firft, Theprincipal efficient caul o it is the Holy Ghoft. He it is who convinceth offin, John 16.. 8. He works indeed by means. He wrought it in David by the Minidry of Nathan and he wrought it in Peter, by the look ofChritf. But his work it is. Noman can work it upon Lis own foul. It will not fpring out of mens rational confederations. Though men may exercifè their thoughts about fuck things, as one would think were enough to break the hearts of ltones , yet if the Holy Ghoft put not forth apeculiar efficacy of his own , this fenfe of fin will not be wrought or produced. As the waters at the Pool ofBethefda were not troubled, but when an Angel de- fcended and moved them ; no more will the Heart for fin, without a Paving elapfe ofthe Holy Ghoft. Secondly, It is a deep Apprehenfion offin, and the evils of it. Sleight tranfient thoughts about them, amount not to the finfe of which we (peak. Myfrrow, faith David, is continually be- fore me, Pfal. '38.17. It preffed him alwayes and greatly. Hence he compares this fenf of fin wrought by the Holy Ghoft, to arrows that dick in thefljh, v. 2. They pain forely, and are alwayes perplexing. Sin in thisfenfe of it, layes hold on the foul, fo that the finner cannot look up, PfaI. 40. 12. And it abides withhim, makinghis fore run in the night with- out ceaing, Pfal. 77.2. and depriveth the foul of rea ; my foul faith he, refufd to be comforted. This Apprehention of fin, dyes down, and rifes withhim in whom it is. 7.ranfiertt thoughts attended